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acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
death of cardiac tissue due to lack of oxygen
adrenergic agonist
a drug that stimulates adrenergic receptors, resulting in sympathetic nervous system stimulation
systemic and overwhelming immune response to an antigen
discomfort in the front of the chest, neck, shoulders, jaw, or arms that is precipitated by physical exertion and is relieved by rest or sublingual nitrates
having the effect of inhibiting the cholinergic receptors, which then inhibits the parasympathetic nervous system
a state of cardiac standstill; complete cessation of electrical activity of the heart
atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response
a dysrhythmia that involves rapid electrical stimulation, causing the atria and ventricles to contract rapidly
calcium channel blocker
a classification of drugs that prevent calcium from entering cells by binding to long-acting voltage-gated calcium channels in the heart, smooth muscle, and pancreas
cardiac output
the product of the heart rate and stroke volume, or the amount of blood ejected with each heartbeat
cardiogenic shock
shock caused by cardiac damage (pump failure)
administration of electrical shock to a person experiencing a life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmia in an effort to restore normal sinus rhythm
an irregular heart rhythm
hypovolemic shock
decreased tissue perfusion caused by decreased circulating blood volume
cell death due to lack of oxygen
inotropic agent
a drug that causes the heart to contract with more force
deficient supply of blood to tissues, which can cause injury
a classification of drugs that cause vasodilation of blood vessels by imparting nitric oxide, which relaxes smooth muscles
opioid agonist
a drug that stimulates the opioid receptors and decreases pain sensations
oxygen saturation
measure of how much hemoglobin is bound to oxygen in the bloodstream
pulmonary edema
excessive fluid in the lungs
pulseless electrical activity
a life-threatening dysrhythmia in which the electrical system conducts impulses but the cardiac myocytes do not respond
pulseless ventricular tachycardia
a life-threatening dysrhythmia in which the ventricles contract so rapidly that a pulse cannot be detected
decreased tissue perfusion to the point of hypoxia, which causes cells to undergo anaerobic metabolism; if not reversed, will lead to cell and tissue death
supraventricular tachycardia
rapid heart rate that originates above the ventricles
symptomatic bradycardia
heart rate less than 60 beats/min that causes the individual to have symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting
systemic vascular resistance
resistance to blood flow by the blood vessels
ventricular fibrillation
a life-threatening dysrhythmia originating in the ventricles in which the ventricles are not coordinated in their contraction, leading to minimal cardiac output
ventricular tachycardia
a dysrhythmia that originates from the ventricles and causes them to contract rapidly

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