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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

The client is taking an 800 mg dose of a medication with a half-life of 4 hours. How much medication will be available in the body after 12 hours?
  1. 400 mg
  2. 200 mg
  3. 100 mg
  4. 50 mg
Which laboratory test should the nurse check prior to administering a drug that can cause harm to the kidneys?
  1. Hemoglobin
  2. Alanine transaminase
  3. Aspartate transaminase
  4. Serum creatinine
The nurse is preparing to administer an intramuscular injection in the deltoid muscle. At which site will the nurse inject the medication?
  1. 1.5 inches below the acromion process
  2. 1 inch in front of the acromion process
  3. At the level of the axilla
  4. Between the acromion process and the scapula
The nurse is teaching a client about self-administering a fentanyl transdermal patch. Which statement indicates an understanding of client teaching?
  1. “I will cut the patch in half when my pain is not severe.”
  2. “I will rotate the patch application site every 7 days.”
  3. “I will remove the old patch before applying a new one.”
  4. “I will cleanse the application site with alcohol before applying.”
Which action will the nurse take when administering a subcutaneous enoxaparin injection?
  1. Administer the injection at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Aspirate for blood return.
  3. Administer the injection in the deltoid area.
  4. Massage the site after injection.
When administering an oral medication to a client with renal insufficiency, which potential complication is of greatest concern to the nurse?
  1. Decreased drug absorption
  2. Increased risk of drug toxicity
  3. Increased risk of an allergic reaction
  4. Decreased therapeutic drug effects
When administering digoxin, a drug with a narrow therapeutic index, the nurse should assess for which effect?
  1. Reduced first-pass effect
  2. Increased tolerance
  3. Reduced dependence
  4. Increased toxicity
The health care provider has changed the order for a medication from an IV dose to an oral dose of the same medication. The oral medication has a high first-pass effect through the liver. What does the nurse expect to see when checking the order for the oral medication to achieve similar concentrations?
  1. The oral medication dose will be the same as the IV dose.
  2. The oral medication dose will be lower than the IV dose.
  3. The oral medication dose will be higher than the IV dose.
  4. The oral medication dose has no relation to the IV dose.
A client has been prescribed an oral medication that is supplied as a large unscored caplet. The client refuses to take the medication with the statement, “I cannot swallow such a large pill.” What is the nurse’s best action?
  1. Convince the client to go ahead and take the medication.
  2. Call the provider to request an IV form of the drug.
  3. Break the caplet in half so it is easier to swallow.
  4. Call the pharmacy and request an oral solution of the drug.
A client is complaining of severe pain and has an order for morphine sulfate. Which route would give the client the fastest pain relief?
  1. PO
  2. IV
  3. IM
  4. Subcutaneous
The provider has ordered dofetilide 0.5 mg orally every 12 hours. The pharmacy supplies dofetilide 125 mcg tablets. How many tablets will the nurse administer?
  1. 0.5 tablets
  2. 2 tablets
  3. 3 tablets
  4. 4 tablets
The provider has ordered meperidine 150 mg IM every 6 hours, as needed, for pain. The pharmacy supplies meperidine 100 mg/mL. How many mL should the nurse administer to the client?
  1. 1 mL
  2. 1.5 mL
  3. 2 mL
  4. 3.5 mL
The health care provider ordered heparin sodium 4000 units subcutaneously every 12 hours. The pharmacy supplies 5000 units/1 mL in a 10 mL vial. How many mL should the nurse administer to the client?
  1. 0.8 mL
  2. 1.2 mL
  3. 8 mL
  4. 2.5 mL
The health care provider ordered 10 mL of cough syrup for a client. How many teaspoons will the client take per dose?
  1. 2
  2. 5
  3. 7.5
  4. 10
The health care provider ordered enoxaparin 1.5 mg/kg/day. The client weighs 176 lb. How many milligrams of enoxaparin should the client receive?
  1. 80 mg
  2. 100 mg
  3. 120 mg
  4. 150 mg
The health care provider ordered 6 mg of dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection. The pharmacy provided a vial labeled 120 mg/30 mL. How many mL will be administered to the client? (Round to the nearest tenth.)
  1. 0.6 mL
  2. 1.5 mL
  3. 2.3 mL
  4. 3.3 mL
The provider ordered heparin sodium 1250 units/hour IV infusion. The pharmacy supplied heparin sodium 25,000 units in 500 mL of D5W. Calculate the infusion rate in mL/hour.
  1. 6 mL/hour
  2. 12 mL/hour
  3. 20 mL/hour
  4. 25 mL/hour
The provider ordered fluoxetine hydrochloride 60 mg oral solution for a client who has difficulty swallowing. The pharmacy supplied fluoxetine hydrochloride oral solution 20 mg/5 mL in a 120 mL bottle. How many mL should the nurse administer?
  1. 15 mL
  2. 20 mL
  3. 30 mL
  4. 60 mL
The provider ordered moxifloxacin 400 mg IV piggyback daily. The pharmacy supplied moxifloxacin 400 mg in 250 mL normal saline. The instructions are to infuse over 60 minutes. At how many mL/hour will the infusion pump be set?
  1. 100 mL/hour
  2. 200 mL/hour
  3. 250 mL/hour
  4. 400 mL/hour
The provider ordered dobutamine hydrochloride 5 mcg/kg/minute IV for a 132 lb client. The pharmacy supplied 250 mg in 250 mL of D5W. How many mL/hour should be infused?
  1. 12 mL/hour
  2. 15 mL/hour
  3. 18 mL/hour
  4. 23 mL/hour

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