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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

A client presents to the clinic reporting dull, throbbing left leg pain, rated as 4/10 on a 0–10 pain scale. They have been experiencing this for the past year following a leg fracture in a car collision. The nurse determines that this client is experiencing which type of pain?
  1. Acute pain
  2. Chronic pain
  3. Neuropathic pain
  4. Severe pain
A client who had a cholecystectomy earlier in the day asks the nurse for pain medication for pain rated as 6/10 on a 0–10 pain rating scale. When the nurse returns with the pain medication, the client is chatting and laughing with a visitor. Which action should the nurse take?
  1. Assume that the client is not in pain
  2. Determine that the client was not rating their pain correctly
  3. Administer the pain medication
  4. Challenge the client’s pain rating
A client with no past medical history is prescribed acetaminophen, as needed, for pain related to starting a new workout regimen. They have acetaminophen 500 mg tablets at home. The nurse instructs the client not to exceed how many tablets per day?
  1. 10
  2. 12
  3. 6
  4. 8
The health care provider has recommended that a client begin taking an anti-inflammatory drug to reduce the pain of osteoarthritis. Which medication does the nurse anticipate the provider will order?
  1. Tramadol
  2. Naltrexone
  3. Ibuprofen
  4. Nalbuphine
A 75-year-old client reports intermittent pain that ranges from 4 to 10 on a 0–10 scale. The client states that the pain started 5 years ago after they had herpes zoster (shingles). The nurse understands that this pain is classified as which of the following types?
  1. Nociceptive
  2. Neuropathic
  3. Acute
  4. Visceral
The nurse administers morphine intravenously to a postoperative client and returns 20 minutes later to reassess the client. The nurse observes the client taking slow and shallow breaths, and they are unresponsive to verbal and physical stimuli. The nurse activates the rapid response team and prepares to administer which medication?
  1. Tramadol
  2. Naloxone
  3. Acetaminophen
  4. Methadone
A nurse in an emergency department is taking a medication history on a new client. The client reports previously experiencing flushing, itching, and low blood pressure after taking an opioid for pain caused by a bone fracture but does not recall the name of the medication. The nurse suspects that the client was most likely taking which opioid?
  1. Hydromorphone
  2. Methadone
  3. Oxycodone
  4. Morphine
A client with a history of opioid use disorder is prescribed naltrexone to aid in abstaining from opioid use. Which information will the nurse give the client?
  1. This drug reverses an accidental overdose.
  2. This drug blunts the effects of opioids.
  3. This drug can cause euphoria.
  4. This drug causes a high feeling.
A client reports that the current dosage of oxycodone they are taking for chronic back pain is no longer relieving the pain. The health care provider increases the dosage of oxycodone, and at a follow-up appointment the client reports that their pain is well controlled again. The nurse explains that the client is experiencing which phenomenon?
  1. Adverse reaction
  2. Tolerance
  3. Opioid use disorder
  4. Allergic reaction
A client recovering from a knee replacement in the postanesthesia care unit develops significant shivering. Which medication does the nurse anticipate will be ordered for this client?
  1. Aspirin
  2. Codeine
  3. Meperidine
  4. Nalbuphine

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