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This chapter provided an overview of epilepsy, migraine headaches, and intracranial emergencies. A brief pathophysiology was provided, as well as discussion on etiology, diagnostic testing, and clinical manifestations for each of the conditions.

Anticonvulsant drugs and drugs used to treat epilepsy were discussed. Common classifications of these drugs include hydantoins, barbiturates, succinates, benzodiazepines, iminostilbene, and valproates. An overview of nursing implications and client education was provided.

Drugs used to treat migraine headaches were briefly presented. Drug cases discussed included triptans, ergot alkaloids, selective serotonin receptor agonists, and CGRP receptor antagonists. Consideration was given to nursing implications and client education.

Additionally, drugs used in the treatment of intracranial hypertension and increased intracranial pressure during intracranial emergencies were presented, including CAIs and osmotic diuretics. Special consideration is given to nursing implications and client education for this drug classifications.


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