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Nutrition for Nurses

Chapter Summary

Nutrition for NursesChapter Summary

  • Iron deficiency anemia, characterized by low hemoglobin concentration and microcytic red blood cells, is the most common nutritional blood disorder in young children, pregnant women, and older adults.
  • Nutrient-related hematologic disorders include vitamin B12 deficiency, vitamins C, K, and D deficiency, and folate deficiency.
  • Delays in diagnosing excessive or deficient nutritional intake can lead to hematologic abnormalities resulting in life-threatening conditions. Accurate assessment of the client’s nutritional status with early intervention gives clients the best chance for recovery.
  • Acute and long-term illnesses such as trauma, burns, cancer, lung disease, and immune dysfunction require even higher protein and micronutrient intake to restore homeostasis during the healing stage.
  • Aging adults are susceptible to nutrient-deficient blood abnormalities because of decreased production of hormones and red blood cells and a decreased appetite/food intake related to delayed gastric emptying, changes in papillae, and declining oral health.
  • Use of the TTM for nutrition educational interventions can provide clients a degree of motivation for successful restoration of hematologic wellness.

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