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Nutrition for Nurses

Review Questions

Nutrition for NursesReview Questions

The nurse is educating a client about the FRAX assessment. Which statement by the client indicates the need for further teaching?
  1. “The FRAX will tell my doctor if I have osteoporosis.”
  2. “The FRAX will tell my doctor if I’m at risk for a fracture.”
  3. “The results of the FRAX will help the nurse develop my plan of care.”
  4. “The FRAX is a risk assessment for osteoporosis.”
The nurse is reviewing a client’s chart and notes their current medications. Which classification of medication increases the client’s risk for fracture?
  1. Antibiotics
  2. Antidepressants
  3. NSAIDs
  4. Corticosteroids
The nurse is teaching ways to promote healthy teeth in children. Which of the following practices is recommended for children?
  1. Brush teeth once a day in the morning.
  2. Introduce fluoride toothpaste at 3 years of age.
  3. Brush teeth with a fluoride toothpaste.
  4. Schedule the first dental visit at 1 year of age.
The nurse is evaluating a client with PUPPP at a postpartum appointment. The client reports being very itchy. Which objective data support the diagnosis of PUPPP?
  1. Flat lesions in the vaginal area
  2. No visible rash, but the client reports itchy skin
  3. Silvery-white lines on the breasts
  4. Raised hives on the torso
The nurse is caring for an adolescent client who participates in sports after school 4 or 5 times a week for 2–4 hours. The adolescent reports fatigue and sore muscles. What should the nurse suggest to this client?
  1. “Drink a soda to increase your energy level after exercise.”
  2. “Don’t exercise until your symptoms go away.”
  3. “Try to eat a combination of protein and complex carbohydrates.”
  4. “Avoid whole grains, fruits, legumes, and vegetables.”
The nurse is caring for a client with newly diagnosed osteoporosis who was prescribed bisphosphonate. Which of the following should the nurse teach the client to avoid eating after taking the medication because it can interfere with the medication’s absorption?
  1. Coffee
  2. Oranges
  3. Milk
  4. Grapefruit
The nurse is caring for a pregnant client who lives in a higher latitude part of the country that receives less direct sunlight. Which laboratory value should the nurse expect the health care provider to be monitoring as a priority of care with this client?
  1. Albumin level
  2. Calcium level
  3. Magnesium level
  4. Vitamin D level
The nurse is caring for a menopausal client who had a FRAX assessment that indicated a high risk for fracture in the next 10 years. What should the nurse encourage the client to do now to help mitigate this risk?
  1. Ask their health care provider to prescribe an estrogen supplement.
  2. Ask their health care provider to check their calcium and vitamin D levels.
  3. Include extra protein in their diet.
  4. Get daily weight-bearing exercise such as walking.
The nurse is caring for an older adult client and recognizes which musculoskeletal manifestation is most likely to benefit from increasing leucine consumption?
  1. Osteomyelitis
  2. Sarcopenia
  3. Fractures
  4. Osteopenia
The nurse is caring for a preterm newborn born at 28 weeks’ gestation. Which musculoskeletal manifestation is most likely to be observed in this infant?
  1. Osteoporosis
  2. Osteopenia
  3. Hip dysplasia
  4. Club foot

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