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Nutrition for Nurses

Review Questions

Nutrition for NursesReview Questions

The nurse is assessing a client who has poor dentition. Which function of the gastrointestinal system will be affected most by this?
  1. Ingestion
  2. Digestion
  3. Absorption
  4. Metabolism
The nurse is assessing a client for gastrointestinal wellness. Which action should the nurse complete to assess the gastrointestinal system?
  1. Auscultate the lungs.
  2. Inspect the nares.
  3. Palpate the abdomen.
  4. Percuss the thorax.
The nurse is assessing a client for gastrointestinal wellness. Which finding could indicate a vitamin deficiency?
  1. Cyanotic lips
  2. Angular cheilitis
  3. Abdominal tenderness
  4. Diaphoretic skin
The nurse prioritizes the nutritional content of clients’ meal options when planning their care. Which protein option is best for clients of the Buddhist faith who are vegetarians?
  1. Broccoli
  2. Fish
  3. Tofu
  4. Whole wheat bread
The nurse is caring for a client with a protein and iron deficiency who is allergic to beef. Which is the best alternative for the nurse to suggest?
  1. Edamame
  2. Milk
  3. Cheese
  4. Okra
The nurse is providing dietary instruction to a client who needs to eat foods that support the gut’s normal microbial growth. Which of the following statements indicates that the client understands the education?
  1. “I will drink at least a liter of water every day.”
  2. “I will eat yogurt every morning with my breakfast.”
  3. “I will make sure I eat protein at every meal.”
  4. “I will drink an extra glass of milk every day.”
The nurse is working with a client with an iron deficiency. Which of the following foods would increase iron absorption?
  1. Whole milk
  2. Whole grain toast
  3. Scrambled eggs
  4. Fresh orange
The nurse is preparing a client’s nutritional plan for increasing their iron intake. Which vitamin should the nurse include?
  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin C
  3. Vitamin E
  4. Vitamin D
The nurse is reviewing a client’s laboratory results and notices there has been little progress in raising the client’s vitamin K level. Which assessment finding can the nurse directly relate to this continued deficiency?
  1. Pharyngitis
  2. Ecchymosis
  3. Skin dryness
  4. Weight loss
The nurse is caring for a vegan client who is having difficulty eating enough protein. Which food item is appropriate for the nurse to recommend to this client?
  1. Quinoa
  2. Fish
  3. Eggs
  4. Carrots

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