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Nutrition for Nurses

Chapter Summary

Nutrition for NursesChapter Summary

  • Nutrition is a key factor in promoting pulmonary wellness and supporting the function of the pulmonary system.
  • A systematic approach to assessment, physical exam, diagnostic tests, and nutritional intervention is essential in supporting the nutritional needs of clients with pulmonary disease.
  • Dietary choices including high protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats give nutritional support to clients and provide a mechanism for improved function despite chronic respiratory conditions.
  • Any nutritional implementation by the client will likely have barriers or challenges. Recognition of the barriers and considering client preferences, religious beliefs, cultural norms, and social determinants of health in the design of interventions provides a holistic approach when planning goals and implementation strategies.
  • Education about and implementation of nutritional health require follow-up care and reinforcement to achieve the client’s desired benefits.

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