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Medical-Surgical Nursing

23.3 Septic Shock

Medical-Surgical Nursing23.3 Septic Shock

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the pathophysiology, risk factors, and clinical manifestations for septic shock
  • Describe the diagnostics and laboratory values for septic shock
  • Apply nursing concepts and plan associated nursing care for patients with septic shock
  • Evaluate the efficacy of nursing care for patients with septic shock
  • Describe the medical therapies that apply to the care of patients with septic shock

The serious medical condition that results from an overreaction of the body to the presence of harmful microorganisms in the blood or other body tissues is called sepsis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2024), at least 1.7 million adults in the United States develop sepsis each year, and nearly 270,000 die as a result. The number of annual sepsis cases in the United States has been increasing over the past several years. There are several likely factors contributing to this rise, including the increased awareness and tracking of cases and the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Additionally, people with chronic diseases are living longer and consequently are at higher risk of developing sepsis; organ transplants are also more common, and recipients are at higher risk for developing sepsis because of their suppressed immune system (CDC, 2024).

Rapid diagnosis and early treatment of sepsis are necessary to prevent cellular hypoxia, multi-organ failure, and death. For each hour that treatment is delayed, there is a 4 to 9 percent increase in mortality (Flanagan et al., 2020).

Pathophysiology of Septic Shock and Clinical Manifestations

Sepsis is a syndrome or set of symptoms or conditions caused by an overexaggerated inflammatory response to infection throughout the body. A normal inflammatory response includes the release of histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins at the site of the infection. These substances increase vasodilation and capillary permeability, causing vascular fluid to migrate to the interstitial space in efforts to deliver the formed elements of blood to the infected area and promote the restoration of homeostasis.

Sepsis is most associated with bacterial infections, usually gram-negative bacteria in nature, and is one of the most severe diseases for hospitalized patients (Virzì et al., 2022). Endotoxin is the major motivator of the inflammatory process. Endotoxins are the main component of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. However, sepsis can also result from viral or fungal infections. In sepsis, the infecting organism or virus secretes endotoxins that significantly increase capillary permeability and elicit an exaggerated inflammatory response throughout the body. As a result, fluids shift from the intravascular and intercellular spaces to the interstitial space, causing profound hypotension and impaired cellular function. Lack of perfusion to cells results in the conversion of cell metabolism from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, increasing lactate levels and causing metabolic acidosis. The overall result is profound hypotension, cell hypoxia, organ and tissue damage, and failure.

There are four stages of sepsis (CDC, 2024):

  1. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) can occur when the body is exposed to a noxious stressor, such as infection. The aim of the response is to localize the endogenous or exogenous source of the stressor.
  2. Sepsis is an overreaction of the immune system to infection.
  3. In severe sepsis, manifestations of organ malfunction are present.
  4. Finally, septic shock is a condition of low blood pressure despite adequate intravenous fluid administration. It causes decreased blood flow to cells, formation of blood clots in vessels, organ damage, organ failure, and, ultimately, death.

To compensate for hypotension in the first stage, the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated, causing tachycardia. This attempt to increase blood supply to the body further increases the oxygen needs of the heart and decreases cardiac output. Heart function is compromised in septic shock because endotoxins cause abnormal function of heart muscle cells and myocardial depression.

Patients with septic shock are at high risk for the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), in which microclots develop inside blood vessels, using up the clotting factors. As a result, massive bleeding occurs throughout the body. The scattering of microclots throughout the body further decreases cell perfusion, resulting in cell hypoxia and dysfunction.

Cellular hypoperfusion stimulates the endocrine and central nervous systems to elicit a hypermetabolic state of accelerated metabolic activity that increases the body’s energy to facilitate healing. The result is an increase in cellular demand for oxygen in an already compromised state. The overall result is maldistribution of blood volume, decreased perfusion to cells, and impaired cellular metabolism.

It is important for the nurse to identify patients with the following risk factors for the development of septic shock:

  • pregnancy
  • over sixty-five years of age
  • substance abuse
  • artificial joints
  • heart valve surgery or replacement
  • other surgeries
  • acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  • cancer
  • diabetes mellitus (DM)
  • leukemia
  • immunosuppression
  • chronic kidney disease (CKD)
  • heart failure
  • malnourishment

Life-Stage Context

Older Adults and Sepsis

Sepsis disproportionately affects older adults with more than 60 percent of sepsis diagnoses attributed to adults aged sixty-five years and older (Rowe & McKoy, 2017). Older adults are at high risk for the development of septic shock because aging decreases the body’s immune response. Decreased immune response can allow minor infections, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs), to quickly spread bacteria throughout the body. Additionally, many older adults have other factors, such as medical comorbidities, cognitive impairment, and functional status, which all impact outcomes. Change in mental status is often one of the first clinical manifestations of sepsis in the older adult. Therefore, any older adult who experiences a change of mental status change should be screened for sepsis.

Clinical Manifestations

Clinical manifestations vary from insidious to overt presentation based on the individual response of the body and the stage of sepsis. Eventually, all organ systems are affected.

At the onset of septic shock, common manifestations include changes in mental status, high respiratory rate, tachycardia, and hypo- or hyperthermia. Common causes of sepsis are urinary or respiratory infections. If the source of the infection is the urinary system, the patient may complain of low energy levels or urinary retention with a continual urge to void. If the source of the infection is respiratory, the patient may complain of shortness of breath or present with a cough.

As sepsis progresses and brain cells experience decreased perfusion, the patient’s mental status may progress from confusion and agitation all the way to coma. The patient may experience shortness of breath as the fluid shifts into the alveolar space, and renal hypoperfusion may cause a decrease in urinary output. Loss of vascular tone and other components of the infectious process result in variations in skin and body temperature. The patient may exhibit core temperature elevations as the infection progresses and an even greater increase in core temperature as the global inflammatory response ensues. Along with fever, the patient may experience shaking and chills. The skin may be warm and clammy or sweaty with cool, pale limbs.

The terms “warm shock” and “cold shock” are sometimes used to describe where the patient is in the progression of sepsis. In the early stages, usually within the first six to seventy-two hours of sepsis, the patient is often warm as the body responds to the inflammatory process. In this state of warm shock, cardiac output is increased, and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) is decreased.

The dynamic precordium causes the patient to develop tachycardia, bounding peripheral pulses, and skin that is warm to the touch, with decreased capillary refill time. As the shock progresses, the patient deteriorates to the development of cold shock, which is a hypodynamic response of the body. At this point, cardiac output is decreased and SVR is increased. Skin may have purplish discoloration from poor perfusion to the cutaneous tissue. This change, called mottled skin, is a finding associated with septic shock. Some patients exhibit a “septic skin rash,” or clusters of tiny blood spots that look like pinpricks of the skin.

Assessments and Diagnostics

Nursing assessment should begin with a general review of body systems and a thorough history. If evidence suggests the possibility of sepsis, the nurse should perform a sepsis screen.

Sepsis screens play a significant role in the treatment of sepsis, as early identification of sepsis and timely implementation of treatment have been found to decrease rates of organ failure and death. An example of a sepsis screening tool is the quick Sequential [Sepsis-related] Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) criteria. As shown in Figure 23.7, three criteria are assessed:

  • systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg
  • altered mental status
  • respiratory rate > 22 breaths/minute

Each criterion has a rating of one point. If the patient has a score of two or greater, they are suspected of having sepsis and treatment is initiated.

Diagram of sofa showing qSOFA screening tool: Hypotension Systolic BP <100 mmHG; Altered mental status; Tachypnea RR >22/min; Score of ≥2 criteria suggests a greater risk of a poor outcome
Figure 23.7 The qSOFA screening tool assigns one point to each of three criteria: hypotension, altered mental status, and tachypnea. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Diagnostics and Laboratory Values

A blood culture is the definitive test for sepsis. It usually takes one to three days to get the results. Consequently, some organizations incorporate the early use of a rapid sepsis screen, but the rapid results are not definitive. Most patients are treated with a broad-spectrum antibiotic if sepsis is suspected. Along with blood cultures, urine, sputum, or wound cultures are obtained to help determine the presence of infection. In some institutions, indwelling catheters such as vascular access devices and Foley catheters are removed and their tops are sent for culture and sensitivity.

Sputum culture helps providers evaluate the respiratory system. Other tools for this purpose include pulse oximetry, imaging studies of the lungs to diagnose pneumonia or other pulmonary infections, and arterial blood gas analysis to analyze the diffusion capacity of the lungs. Strep throat rapid antigen and throat culture as well as rapid influenza diagnostic tests may also be obtained.

A computerized tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain may be obtained if meningitis is suspected. Lumbar puncture, also called a spinal tap, may be performed to obtain cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). The provider may order a culture and sensitivity on the collected CSF to definitively diagnose meningitis.

Another test for sepsis is the presence of endotoxins. Under normal conditions, there should be no evidence of endotoxins in the blood. If gram-negative bacteria are present in the bloodstream, then endotoxins are released when the cell disintegrates. Testing for the presence of endotoxins is not a replacement for blood cultures, but it may assist in directing the immediate treatment of the patient.

Procalcitonin (PCY) levels are drawn for the patient with suspected sepsis. This substance is undetectable in patients without infection. Procalcitonin rises rapidly in response to proinflammatory stimuli, especially infection. It will not determine what type of bacteria is present, however. Another test, C-reactive protein (CRP), is sometimes obtained to assist in the diagnosis of sepsis. CRP is elevated with inflammation, which is very high in sepsis.

A complete blood count (CBC) is obtained to determine the baseline status of the patient as well as to plan and evaluate treatment. White blood cell (WBC) (leukocyte) results should be reviewed. A WBC count of 45,000 to 11,000 per microliter is considered normal. A count below 4,000 or greater than 12,000 per microliter is cause for concern. High leukocytes indicate the presence of infection, while low leukocytes indicate risk for infection.

Lactate levels are drawn to assess cellular perfusion. An elevation of lactate is indicative of cellular hypoxia. A lactate of less than 2 mmol/L is considered acceptable; however, a lactate level of greater than 4.0 mmol/L is associated with high mortality. Aggressive volume resuscitation is recommended for lactate levels of 4.0 mol/L (Lat et al., 2021).

Patients with septic shock often develop clotting abnormalities and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Homeostasis is evaluated through analysis of prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), and platelet count. High PT and PTT times indicate impaired clotting ability of the blood. Low platelet counts may be the result of platelet aggregation and the presence of microclots throughout the vascular system. D-dimer may be used as a marker of microcirculatory failure. It is the most-used fibrinogen-related marker for DIC diagnosis. Almost all patients admitted with sepsis have elevated D-dimer levels related to organ dysfunction and outcome.

Diagnostic tests for sepsis are summarized in Table 23.8.

Diagnostic Test Normal Result Sepsis Suspected
Blood culture No infectious agent Presence of infectious agent
Rapid Sepsis Screen
Below 2 2 or higher
Endotoxin Not present Present
Procalcitonin 0 Greater than 2.0 µg/L
Lactate Less than 2 mmol/L Greater than 2 mmol/L
PT 10–13 seconds High value
PTT 25–35 seconds High value
Platelets 150,000 to 450,000 Low value
D-dimer Less than 0.50 Greater than 0.50
Urinalysis No infectious organisms Infectious organisms detected
Sputum culture No infectious organisms Infectious organisms detected
Cerebral spinal fluid No infectious organisms Infectious organisms detected
Wound culture No infectious organisms Infectious organisms detected
Table 23.8 Diagnostic Tests for Sepsis

Nursing Care of the Patient with Septic Shock

Nurses should be acutely aware of subtle changes that may indicate the development of sepsis and notify the health-care team to plan and implement interventions to prevent the progression of sepsis. Due to the frequent changes in acuity, nurses must stay in regular contact with the provider once sepsis has been identified.

Recognizing Cues and Analyzing Cues

Any patient who suddenly develops hypotension, unresponsiveness, anuria, or fever is suspected of having sepsis. A sudden change in the level of consciousness is often an early manifestation of bladder infection, especially in older adults. An increase in respiratory rate is also associated with sepsis. As the body attempts to compensate for the buildup of lactic acid and metabolic acidosis, the respiratory rate increases to rid the body of carbon dioxide. As the patient decompensates, the respiratory rate will drop.

Early in the development of sepsis, blood pressure is slightly elevated from sympathetic nervous stimulation. As the shock progresses, blood pressure significantly drops. MAP is the best indicator of cell perfusion: a MAP > 65 mmHg indicates adequate blood pressure to help push life-sustaining nutrients into the cells and tissues.

When caring for patients with sepsis, nurses should also be aware of these cues:

  • Hourly urine output of at least 30 mL per hour indicates adequate kidney perfusion. A drop in urine output to less than 30 mL/hour indicates poor renal perfusion.
  • Lactate levels greater than 4 mmol/L indicate the need for volume resuscitation.
  • Worsening manifestations of dehydration, such as decreased skin turgor and dry mucous membranes, indicate the need for fluid resuscitation.
  • Assessment findings of weak to absent extremity pulses, change of skin temperature, and increased capillary refill time indicate hypoperfusion and the need for volume resuscitation.

It is imperative to recognize these cues of sepsis to prevent progression and serious complications such as respiratory failure, heart failure, kidney failure or injury, malfunction of the hematologic system, gangrene of fingers or toes, amputation of extremities, brain damage, and, ultimately, death. In the refractory stage of shock, the nurse is often present for discussions with the family to withdraw care because 30 percent of patients with severe sepsis do not survive.

Prioritizing Hypotheses, Generating Solutions, and Taking Action

Quality nursing care featuring attention to detail, close monitoring, and surveillance with prompt interventions can reduce morbidity and mortality. Any changes in the patient’s status, including trends suggesting progression of the septic state, should be immediately reported for appropriate adjustment in treatment. Indications that the patient is deteriorating include an increase in respiratory rate, an elevated temperature with a quick drop, and a fast heart rate with hypotension.

Identifying and eradicating the infecting organism is essential to reversing the septic shock state. Immediate and timely administration of a first dose of broad-spectrum antibiotics is critical to the patient’s prognosis. Culture and sensitivity are obtained prior to the administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics. When results are available, the antibiotic is often changed based on the identified organism. Some patients require surgical incisions and drainage of the infectious area.

When caring for the patient in sepsis, it is essential to stabilize the patient’s hemodynamic status. Patients with sepsis may require massive volume resuscitation—usually between 6–10 L in the first twenty-four hours of treatment. Due to the massive input of fluid volume, an indwelling Foley catheter is often used to allow for accurate measurement of intake and output. Fluids are first administered to fill the vascular space, followed by a type of drug called a vasopressor, which supplies tone to the vascular system by inducing vasoconstriction and increasing blood pressure. The nurse must assess for complications of volume resuscitation such as pulmonary edema.

Patients with sepsis are at risk for developing complications to multiple organ systems; for example, poor perfusion to the lungs may cause the patient to develop ARDS. The ensuing respiratory failure may require the use of endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation to support the respiratory system.

There is an increase in metabolic response during the acute stage of sepsis, increasing the caloric needs of patients. Enteral nutrition may improve clinical outcomes, decrease the length of hospital stays, and reduce mortality in patients with sepsis. These feedings should be rich in protein and essential amino acids. Stress ulcer prophylaxis is also recommended.

Optimal outcomes for sepsis are influenced by regulated glycemic control. Sepsis can be associated with hyperglycemia, which can hinder the body’s healing response. Hypoglycemia can also lead to a much higher mortality risk. Regulated glycemic control has been found to decrease morbidity and mortality in patients with sepsis. To stabilize and normalize serum glucose, the patient’s blood glucose level should be monitored frequently and treated according to agency policy. A blood glucose level between 110 and 150 mg/dL has been associated with positive patient outcomes. Careful observation and assessment of the patient is vital, as patients with sepsis often experience variable glucose levels and insulin requirements, increasing the frequency of hypo and hyperglycemia.

Nurses should maintain urinary catheterization, calculating intake and output. Assessment of hourly urinary output is reflective of the patient’s response to treatment and the status of renal perfusion. Hourly urinary output of less than 30 mL/hour should be reported to the health-care team; this reflects poor perfusion of the kidneys, which may lead to kidney failure.

Figure 23.8 illustrates equipment used to treat a patient with sepsis.

Diagram showing patient being treated for sepsis in critical care unit; labels show electroencephalography (EEG), ventilator, EEG box / electrodes, intracranial pressure (ICP) monitor, bedside monitor, feeding tube, feeding pump, intravenous (IV) pump, hemedex monitor, compression boots, licox, Central line, restraints, pulse oximeter, foley catheter
Figure 23.8 The treatment of sepsis often requires care for the patient in a critical care unit. (credit: modification of work from Fundamentals of Nursing. attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Unfolding Case Study

COVID Complications: Part 3

Refer to COVID Complications: Part 2 for the second part of this patient’s medical history.

Nursing Notes 02/23/24, 08:00
Continued low blood pressure despite treatment
Increased tachycardia
Increased respiratory rate
Low to no urine output
Cool skin
Weak to absent peripheral pulses
Low temperature
Cold and clammy
Ventricular dysrhythmias noted on monitor (increased K+ causes ventricular arrythmias)
02/23/24, 19:00
Family meeting held with the physician, nurse, and spiritual advisor. End of life was discussed with the family, including the health-care proxy. The family was in agreement to change the patient’s advanced directive to a DNR and continue with comfort care. The family was offered an opportunity to seek spiritual counseling, according to their wishes.
Flow Chart 02/23/24, 08:00
BP, 74/48
HR, 120
RR, 24
Temp, 102.5
Hemodynamic values:
Cardiac output, 3 L/min
Mean arterial pressure, 50 mmHg
Central venous pressure, 6 mmHg
Lab Results 02/23/24, 08:00
Na, 146 mEq/L
K+, 5.8 mEq/L
Cl, 80 mEq/L
pH, 7.23
PCO2, 60 mmHg
PO2, 65 mmHg
HCO3, 18 mEq/L
BS, 180 mg/dL
Lactic acid, 4.0 mmol/L
Provider’s Orders 02/23/24, 11:00
Ringer’s Lactate rate of 125 ml/hr
Use insulin protocol for hyperglycemia
Change norepinephrine to vasopressin IV drip
Prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time (PT and PTT), platelet count, and D-dimer
02/23/24, 18:00
Discuss end of life with the family.
Table 23.9 COVID Complications: Part 3

Choose the most important nursing action in caring for the septic patient.

  1. fluid replacement followed by vasopressors
  2. obtain a CXR
  3. immediately insert a Swan-Ganz catheter
  4. repeat ABG every hour
  5. administer IV colloid fluids

What patient outcomes would most likely indicate the patient is in irreversible septic shock? Select all that apply.

  1. anuria
  2. respiratory acidosis
  3. multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
  4. metabolic alkalosis
  5. lactic acid level of 4.5 mm/L

Evaluation of Nursing Care for the Patient with Septic Shock

Indicators of effective treatment plans for sepsis include maintenance of hemodynamic stability, treatment of the infection, and return to baseline status. The infection should show evidence of eradication based on clinical assessment and possibly repeat cultures. Some patients may need prolonged antimicrobial therapy beyond the course of their hospital stay. The patient should also demonstrate the ability to tolerate feedings and obtain adequate nutrition, leading to healthy weight gain and labs indicating nutritional adequacy.

Survivors of septic shock should be referred for counseling and provided with appropriate resources specific to their needs. Some complications of sepsis survivors include amputations and impaired lung and renal function. Other long-term effects of sepsis shock include fatigue, difficulty sleeping, decreased appetite, weakened immune system, anxiety, and depression.

Evaluating Outcomes

Evaluation of outcomes includes determining the effectiveness of the current plan of care. Consistent monitoring of blood pressure and urinary output are key indicators of shock and recovery. Evaluation of lactate levels and electrolytes helps in determining the patient’s recovery progress or continual decline. As the nurse continues to evaluate interventions, changes to the nursing care plan can be made as needed.

Medical Therapies and Related Care

Priorities of medical care for patients with sepsis include identification of the source of the infection, enhancing cell perfusion, and supporting body systems. Effective communication among health-care team members and timely implementation of protocol-based interventions for the early diagnosis and treatment of sepsis are key to patient survival. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign recommends the implementation of a one-hour bundle to obtain lactate, blood cultures, antibiotics, volume resuscitation, and possibly vasopressors within one hour of sepsis diagnosis (Lat et al., 2021).

The profound hypotension seen in septic shock is the result of the massive shifting of fluid from the intravascular to the interstitial space. Fluid replacement followed by vasopressors are used to treat hypotension. After fluids are administered, the first-line vasopressor recommended for use is norepinephrine. A target MAP of 65 mmHg is recommended. If MAP remains low to moderate with norepinephrine administration, vasopressin should be added to the treatment protocol. If blood pressure remains low, the provider will consider adding dobutamine or switching to epinephrine (Lat et al., 2021).


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