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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Review Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
The nurse is educating a patient on what constitutes IPV. What is an example of an act of IPV?
  1. child endangerment
  2. stalking
  3. workplace harassment
  4. legal allegations
2 .
Alaska Natives experience higher levels of violence, poverty, and drug and alcohol use, and fewer resources. How can the nurse help these patients?
  1. Tell the patient to stop using substances.
  2. Provide resources that are specific for this population.
  3. Tell the patient to call the police.
  4. Report the abuse to the social worker.
3 .
The nurse understands that many patients who experience violence become homeless to escape their situation. How can the nurse help these patients?
  1. Tell the patient to go back home in order to have a place to live.
  2. Tell the patient to get a job in order to have a place to stay.
  3. Refer the patient to a shelter.
  4. Refer the patient to the police.
4 .
The nurse is caring for a woman with a broken arm. Her partner brings in flowers and balloons and is overly affectionate. What phase of the cycle of violence would the nurse suspect?
  1. tension-building
  2. acute battering incident
  3. honeymoon phase
  4. loving phase
5 .
A nurse is caring for a patient who discloses they are experiencing family violence. What nursing action should the nurse take to support the patient and promote their safety?
  1. Provide a safe environment for the patient to further disclose their experience.
  2. Converse with the patient’s partner and ask why IPV is occurring in their home.
  3. Report the patient’s accusations to other members of the family.
  4. Propose a plan to leave the abuser today.
6 .
A nurse is caring for a patient who is a victim of intimate partner violence. The patient has indicated they do not wish to address the violence in their relationship at this time. What should the nurse do to ensure the patient’s safety and well-being?
  1. Call the police and report the abuse.
  2. Encourage the patient to stay in the abusive relationship to prevent further harm.
  3. Provide the patient with information about community resources and support groups.
  4. Ignore the signs of abuse and focus on providing medical intervention.
7 .
The nurse talks with the patient about her bank statement being much less than it should be. The patient shares with the nurse that her partner has been stealing money from her account. What should the nurse do to help the patient?
  1. Explain that she can work more to make more money.
  2. Explain this is a form of abuse called financial abuse.
  3. Call the police and report the partner.
  4. Encourage the patient to confront the partner.
8 .
The nurse is caring for a patient and notices bruises around the breasts and genital area and anal bleeding. How should the nurse address this?
  1. “It looks like you might have had an accident.”
  2. “Is it common for you to have bruises?”
  3. “From your bruises and bleeding, it appears you might have been sexually assaulted.”
  4. “Do you get into fights with your family?”
9 .
The nurse hears a person in the hallway saying that women routinely lie about rape and that they could resist rape if they wanted. What does the nurse know about these types of statements?
  1. These are myths that blame the victim and overlook the perpetrator.
  2. These statements are common among people knowledgeable about rape.
  3. These statements are true, and people should also know that rape always involves physical force.
  4. These are myths that should be taught as facts.
10 .
The nurse has determined the patient is in the acute stage of rape trauma syndrome. What led the nurse to this diagnosis?
  1. The survivor may experience intense fear, helplessness, and disorganization.
  2. Symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks, and avoidance behaviors persist for an extended period after the assault.
  3. The survivor exhibits a return to normal functioning and may minimize or deny the impact of the assault.
  4. Physical injuries and forensic evidence are typically present and are prioritized for immediate medical attention.
11 .
Long-term effects of sexual abuse can be common. What is an example of a long-term effect of sexual abuse?
  1. suicidal thoughts or behaviors
  2. bipolar disorder
  3. high self-esteem
  4. increased trust in family
12 .
The SANE collects samples during the forensic exam. How does the nurse describe how the samples will be used?
  1. The samples will be sent to the police department for prosecution.
  2. The samples will help us know if you have been exposed to an STI.
  3. The samples tell us if you told the truth about your attack.
  4. The samples cannot be used in the legal system because they are obtained by a nurse.
13 .
What treatment should the SANE provide for prophylaxis?
  1. abortion
  2. antivirals for gonorrhea and chlamydia
  3. postexposure treatment for HIV
  4. antibiotics for hepatitis B
14 .
The nurse explains how to identify human traffickers. What does the nurse say?
  1. Traffickers are older men that are menacing.
  2. Traffickers are found in countries other than the United States.
  3. Traffickers can be a partner, stranger, or acquaintance.
  4. Traffickers cannot be family members.
15 .
What group of people is at higher risk for human trafficking?
  1. people of color and LGBTQIA+ persons
  2. people with high levels of education and income
  3. people with no history of abuse in their past
  4. people from Europe who immigrated to the United States
16 .
What can the nurse do to prevent human trafficking?
  1. Encourage all women to leave abusive relationships regardless of consequences.
  2. Stop prostitution.
  3. Deny support to programs addressing exploitation of men.
  4. Support programs to increase community awareness of human trafficking.
17 .
A woman living on the streets was attacked by a group of gang members. The perpetrators hit and kicked her while yelling that homeless people are worthless. What type of violence is being demonstrated?
  1. forced homelessness
  2. social violence
  3. gender violence
  4. intimate partner violence
18 .
The nurse is describing an acid attack to a group of women at a community group. She educates the group on why acid attacks occur. What does the nurse say to the group?
  1. Acid attacks are meant to kill women who are hated.
  2. They are meant to scar the victim as a lifelong reminder of the violence.
  3. Acid attacks are accidental and not premeditated.
  4. Perpetrators want women to marry into the family.
19 .
A nurse is caring for a woman in the emergency department who has been shot. While getting the report, the nurse learns that the patient’s father shot her in an honor killing attack. What is a cause of honor killings?
  1. deep-rooted patriarchal dominance
  2. high education levels
  3. high financial status
  4. belief that marriage should not be forced
20 .
A 12-year-old pregnant patient is in labor and delivery for blood pressure monitoring. She is married to a 38-year-old man. You know that child marriages have certain risk factors. What should the nurse be prepared for?
  1. potential for newborn complications
  2. potential complications during birth because of the patient’s immature body
  3. weight gain due to intake of excess calories
  4. need for a doula
21 .
The nurse is aware that a psychologic abuser thrives on control and manipulation. What sign would the nurse see with a woman who is the victim of psychologic abuse?
  1. a woman who is withdrawn and isolated
  2. a woman who is boisterous and chatty
  3. a woman who has a healthy self-esteem
  4. a woman who exudes confidence
22 .
The nurse is aware her patient is a victim of domestic violence. What is an important psychologic symptom the nurse should immediately report to the health-care provider?
  1. flat affect
  2. fear
  3. suicidal ideation
  4. anxiety
23 .
The nurse is educating a group of primary care providers regarding ways to help reduce IPV. What is one strategy the CDC recommends for reducing IPV?
  1. teaching safe and healthy relationship skills
  2. making survivors of IPV speak to members of Congress
  3. revealing names of perpetrators to their employers
  4. encouraging survivors to forgive their partners

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