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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Competency-Based Assessments

Maternal Newborn NursingCompetency-Based Assessments

Competency-Based Assessments

1 .
Explain the global prevalence of violence against women according to the WHO. What are the risk factors associated with violence against women, and how do they contribute to the occurrence of intimate partner violence (IPV)?
2 .
Discuss populations of women susceptible to violence.
3 .
Explain the theories developed to understand violence against women. Provide an overview of the Cycle of Violence Theory, the Power and Control Wheel, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Violence Theory. How do these theories contribute to our understanding of the dynamics of abuse?
4 .
Define domestic violence and intimate partner violence (IPV). What are the various forms of abuse involved in domestic violence? List at least three signs that may indicate a person is a victim of domestic violence.
5 .
What factors contribute to the occurrence of domestic violence and IPV? Provide at least five associated factors for domestic violence and explain how they perpetuate the cycle of abuse.
6 .
How can a nurse recognize potential victims of IPV? List at least three signs or behaviors that might indicate a person is experiencing IPV. Additionally, what behaviors or characteristics may suggest that someone is a potential perpetrator of IPV?
7 .
Define sexual abuse or assault and provide examples of unwanted sexual behaviors. Discuss the misinformation surrounding sexual assault, including at least two rape myths. List and briefly explain three types of sexual assault mentioned in the chapter.
8 .
Explain the three phases of rape trauma syndrome and provide characteristics or reactions associated with each phase. How might a nurse recognize symptoms of the outward adjustment phase in a survivor of sexual assault?
9 .
Explain the role of a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) and the components of a postassault exam. What information does a SANE collect during the detailed history of the assault, and why is it important for a survivor to seek care within 120 hours of the assault?
10 .
Define human trafficking and provide examples of how persons can be exploited for forced labor or commercial sex. Identify three signs that may indicate a person is being trafficked for labor situations. Which groups are considered at higher risk for human trafficking, and why is it challenging to identify victims?
11 .
What is the goal of nursing care for a person who has been trafficked? List three behavioral signs and three physical signs that a person may be a victim of trafficking. Why is it important for the nurse to develop trust before assessing signs of abuse in a potential trafficking victim?
12 .
What are common nursing diagnoses for a person who has been trafficked? Provide at least two nursing diagnoses and their related needs. Outline interventions in a nursing care plan for a trafficked person, focusing on reestablishing control, safety, and independence.
13 .
What is social violence, and how does it manifest in communities? Identify three forms of social violence mentioned in the chapter. Who are the populations at risk of social violence, and why are they at risk?
14 .
What constitutes a hate crime, and what are the motivations behind it? Provide examples of hate crimes based on characteristics mentioned in the chapter. How are LGBTQIA+ persons disproportionately affected by hate crimes?
15 .
Differentiate between child marriage and forced marriage. What factors contribute to child marriage, and what risks do married girls under 18 years of age face? According to Save the Children, what are the key consequences of forced marriage, and how many girls worldwide are estimated to be in forced marriages?
16 .
What is psychologic abuse, and how does it impact a person’s health? Provide examples and explain the nurse’s role.
17 .
How does psychologic abuse manifest, and what are the consequences? Discuss clinical manifestations and outcomes.
18 .
What programs aid victims of psychologic abuse or intimate partner violence? Describe CDC programs and the NISVS.

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