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6.1 Functional Disorders

Menstrual disorders can significantly impact a patient’s physical and emotional well-being. Menstrual disorders that cause pain can decrease the patient’s quality of life and interfere with daily tasks. AUB can cause anxiety for patients, especially when the cause is unknown. Endometriosis can cause patients to experience debilitating pain and can increase concern for fertility. PCOS also causes concern for fertility and increases risks for endocrine disorders.

Perimenopause and menopause can be difficult times for some patients. Symptoms related to these transitions can be treated with medicine, hormone therapy, and lifestyle changes. Patients with a history of CPP should be supported in the management of symptoms.

Care of the patient with these conditions starts with a detailed history, physical exam, and diagnostic testing. To help empower patients, nurses can assist them in understanding their conditions. Nurses can provide education on medical and nonmedical treatments. Nurses can also offer resources for support groups for patients needing emotional support while dealing with their condition.

6.2 Structural Disorders

Structural disorders of the reproductive system can affect the patient’s overall physical well-being. Pelvic floor health and other conditions that can affect the anatomic integrity of the reproductive system need to be assessed as part of a comprehensive physical exam. Pelvic floor health is an essential aspect of a patient’s overall well-being. This overview has reviewed pelvic floor integrity, including prevention and strengthening exercises. Congenital malformations may be present in the uterus or vagina. These conditions can be accompanied by other anomalies in pelvic organs. Women who have experienced female genital mutilation are at greater risk of structural disorders of the reproductive system.

6.3 Benign Growths

This section explored the various types of benign growths that can occur in the female reproductive system. An understanding of the prevalence, types, and clinical implications of benign growths, such as fibroids, ovarian cysts, and polyps, is essential for providing comprehensive care to persons assigned female at birth. This section explored the etiology and risk factors associated with these growths, emphasizing the importance of early detection and intervention. Furthermore, the module addresses diagnostic modalities, treatment options, and nursing considerations for patients facing these reproductive health challenges. By exploring this content, future nurses will be well equipped to contribute to the holistic care of patients, promoting optimal health outcomes.

6.4 Malignant Neoplasms

In this section, the nursing student is provided with an overview of the malignancies that can occur in the female reproductive system. The text provides an overview of various cancers, including those affecting the cervix, uterus, ovaries, and other related structures. Emphasizing a holistic approach to patient care, the module equips aspiring nurses with essential knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary for early detection, compassionate patient communication, and collaborative interdisciplinary management of patients facing these challenging health conditions.


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