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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Review Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
In which structure does fertilization usually occur?
  1. the ovary
  2. the uterus
  3. the fallopian tube
  4. the vagina
2 .
How many mature ova result from a single cycle of oogenesis?
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
3 .
What hormone is secreted by the corpus luteum after ovulation?
  1. prolactin
  2. progesterone
  3. luteinizing hormone
  4. follicle-stimulating hormone
4 .
What karyotype would the nurse anticipate for a patient with Klinefelter’s syndrome?
  1. XO
  2. XXY
  3. XYY
  4. XXX
5 .
What information would the nurse include when teaching a patient newly diagnosed with Huntington disease about having children?
  1. “Both you and your partner must carry the gene for your children to get the disease.”
  2. “The gene is found on the X chromosome. Only male children have a risk of inheriting the disease.”
  3. “You have a 50 percent chance of passing the gene on to your children.”
  4. “It occurs only when the chromosomes don’t divide correctly, causing one cell to have too many chromosomes.”
6 .
What patient statement indicates the need for further education about amniocentesis?
  1. “It can be used to test for neural tube defects.”
  2. “It is performed between 15 and 20 weeks’ gestation.”
  3. “It is performed using a sterile needle to withdraw a sample of amniotic fluid.”
  4. “The sample can be obtained using a transcervical approach.”
7 .
What is an example of a statement by the patient that indicates effective teaching by the nurse about methods to improve fertility?
  1. “Caffeine does not affect my fertility.”
  2. “I should start taking prenatal vitamins to increase my chances of conception.”
  3. “My partner should avoid any exercise while we are trying to conceive to avoid damaging the sperm.”
  4. “Smoking can increase my risk of miscarriage.”
8 .
What condition would the nurse suspect in a patient with irregular menstrual cycles, obesity, and abnormal hair growth on the face?
  1. endometriosis
  2. hyperprolactinemia
  3. polycystic ovary syndrome
  4. hydrosalpinx
9 .
What term would the nurse use to document the lab results of a patient with a zero sperm count?
  1. azospermia
  2. oligospermia
  3. varicocele
  4. retrograde ejaculation
10 .
The nurse is reviewing the hormonal blood work from a patient who is tracking their cycle to try to conceive this month. The patient’s estradiol and progesterone levels are low. What statement would the nurse include in the patient teaching?
  1. “You have already ovulated this month. Let us know if you are not pregnant, and we will try again next month.”
  2. “You should have intercourse tonight and tomorrow. This is the best time to try to conceive.”
  3. “You are at the very beginning of your cycle and will be getting your period very soon.”
  4. “We can’t tell where you are in your cycle from this blood work. You may need to repeat it next week.”
11 .
The nurse would anticipate that a patient with elevated levels of which hormone would require radiologic imaging of the brain?
  1. TSH
  2. prolactin
  3. progesterone
  4. FSH
12 .
What patient may need laparoscopic surgery?
  1. a patient with low antral follicle count
  2. a patient with an elevated prolactin level
  3. a patient with patent fallopian tubes on hysterosalpingogram
  4. a patient with suspected endometriosis
13 .
What medication would the nurse include in the discharge teaching for a patient after an egg retrieval?
  1. birth control pills
  2. follitropin
  3. estrogen supplementation
  4. ganirelix acetate
14 .
What condition would the nurse suspect when a patient calls to report feeling very bloated after egg retrieval 3 days ago?
  1. ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
  2. ectopic pregnancy
  3. ovarian hemorrhage
  4. hydrosalpinx

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