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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Check Your Understanding Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingCheck Your Understanding Questions

Check Your Understanding Questions

1 .
An infant at a gestation of 36 weeks and 1 day is born on the labor and delivery unit in the OR, and you are working as the baby nurse. You receive the baby from a 27-year-old G1P0 who gave birth today because she has a placenta previa and is actively bleeding. When the baby is given to you, she is limp, not making any noises, and pale. You bring her to the radiant warmer quickly. Please list what you will do when you receive the neonate.
2 .
A birthing person just vaginally delivered at 38 weeks and 2 days’ gestation. The infant has blue hands and feet, a heart rate of 110, slow breaths, and some flexion in the extremities. The infant pulls his foot away when the nurse rubs it and has flexed arms and legs. What is his Apgar score?
3 .
Explain the relevance of the Apgar score and why nurses use it as an assessment tool in the birthing room.
4 .
List five assessment findings that would indicate a neonate in respiratory distress in the immediate postbirth period.
5 .
Describe three ways that fetal circulation varies from neonatal/newborn circulation.
6 .
Define the importance of understanding the phases of reactivity for the neonate.
7 .
Explain the role of the baby nurse in the birthing room.
8 .
Name some of the metabolic requirements that increase or decrease with cold stress in the newborn.
9 .
Discuss the steps a nurse should follow to assess and manage cold stress in the newborn.
10 .
Verbalize the importance of the ten-step warm chain and list all ten steps in the chain.

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