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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Review Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
What postpartum infection is caused by STIs and chorioamnionitis?
  1. mastitis
  2. pneumonia
  3. cesarean wound infection
  4. postpartum endometritis
2 .
What postpartum infection can be transferred between the breast-feeding person and newborn if both are not treated appropriately?
  1. wound infection
  2. urinary tract infection
  3. thrush
  4. mastitis
3 .
What assessment finding suggests a possible infection?
  1. painful fundal massage
  2. breast-feeding every 2–3 hours
  3. pulse 72
  4. WBCs 10,000
4 .
What assessment data increases the risk of postpartum infection?
  1. precipitous labor
  2. urinary retention
  3. breast-feeding
  4. intact perineum
5 .
What nursing intervention does the nurse include in the plan of care for a person with mastitis?
  1. Provide antipyretic.
  2. Stop antibiotics when redness is resolved.
  3. Encourage the person to stop breast-feeding.
  4. Start an IV and prepare for signs of sepsis.
6 .
What nursing intervention does the nurse include in the plan of care for a person with a wound infection?
  1. Reassure the postpartum person that infection will resolve without antibiotics.
  2. Assess for REEDA.
  3. Call health-care provider when temperature is 99.0° F.
  4. Scrub the incision vigorously with soap and water.
7 .
What nursing intervention does the nurse include in the plan of care for a person with a perineal laceration infection?
  1. Demonstrate the use of a urinary catheter.
  2. Provide an abdominal binder.
  3. Encourage use of the peri-bottle for cleaning front to back.
  4. Discourage use of pain medications.
8 .
What nursing intervention does the nurse include in the plan of care for a person with postpartum endometritis?
  1. Monitor for signs of sepsis.
  2. Discourage breast-feeding.
  3. Avoid fundal assessment.
  4. Increase family visiting hours.
9 .
What is characteristic of an early (primary) PPH?
  1. occurs after 12 weeks postpartum
  2. is not an emergency
  3. often occurs due to uterine atony
  4. is diagnosed after the person is discharged
10 .
What is characteristic of a late (secondary) PPH?
  1. occurs within the first 24 hours
  2. is caused by subinvolution of the uterus
  3. does not occur after cesarean births
  4. cannot be treated with Methergine
11 .
When referring to the 4 T’s of PPH, what does tissue refer to?
  1. Placental tissue or membranes are retained.
  2. Tissue of the perineum is torn.
  3. Tissue of the uterus is torn.
  4. Tissue is not perfused.
12 .
What is a risk factor for uterine atony?
  1. small for gestational age
  2. primipara
  3. multiple gestation
  4. intrauterine growth restriction
13 .
What is a risk factor for PPH found in the prenatal record?
  1. primipara
  2. rubella nonimmune
  3. von Willebrand disorder
  4. history of appendectomy
14 .
The nurse notices the uterus is boggy and the bladder is full. What intervention should the nurse perform next?
  1. Call for help.
  2. Start IV bolus.
  3. Get the person out of bed to walk to restroom.
  4. Massage the fundus and assess the lochia.
15 .
The nurse notices the person with a PPH looks pale and their capillary refill is >3 seconds. What intervention can the nurse initiate?
  1. Wrap the person in a warm blanket.
  2. Put a pulse oximeter on the patient’s finger.
  3. Sit the person up at 90 degrees.
  4. Start an IV bolus.
16 .
What assessment finding would indicate a fluid volume deficit?
  1. skin tenting with testing of skin turgor
  2. hypertension
  3. bradycardia
  4. bounding pulse
17 .
What nursing diagnosis would be appropriate for the person with a coagulation disorder?
  1. risk for hypertension
  2. risk for bleeding
  3. risk for fluid overload
  4. risk for breast-feeding failure
18 .
What is the most common reason for cracked, sore nipples?
  1. hungry infant
  2. pumping
  3. ineffective latch
  4. lack of supportive bra
19 .
What is a symptom of engorgement?
  1. protuberant nipples
  2. shiny, hard breast
  3. insufficient milk production
  4. soft, lumpy breast
20 .
The nurse develops a plan to increase a patient’s milk supply. What is an intervention they can implement?
  1. Pump between nursing sessions.
  2. Nurse every 6 hours.
  3. Keep newborn in bassinet between sessions.
  4. Offer a pacifier when newborn cries.
21 .
The nurse educates the person with a newborn in the NICU. What guidance does the nurse provide?
  1. Breast milk is not good for a premature baby.
  2. Premature babies breast-feed easily.
  3. Skin-to-skin contact helps both baby and breast-feeding person.
  4. A bottle is recommended for all feedings.
22 .
What is one difference between recovery from a cesarean birth versus a vaginal birth?
  1. Breast-feeding is discouraged after cesarean birth due to pain medications taken.
  2. Lochia will be heavier after a cesarean birth.
  3. Pain with movement is more intense after a cesarean birth.
  4. Gas pain is more intense after a vaginal birth.
23 .
The nurse educates the person recovering from a cesarean birth on how to care for the incision. What education is discussed?
  1. Scrub the incision well twice daily.
  2. Remove the dressing the day after birth.
  3. Staples will be removed the day after birth.
  4. Vertical incisions heal faster with less pain.
24 .
Why does the nurse encourage ambulation in a patient who has experienced a cesarean birth?
  1. Ambulation helps to prevent DVT.
  2. Ambulation causes the person to lose weight in the hospital.
  3. Ambulation helps with breast-feeding.
  4. Ambulation decreases peristalsis.
25 .
What is a risk factor for PPD?
  1. vaginal birth
  2. family support
  3. traumatic birth
  4. breast-feeding
26 .
What symptom can partners of persons with PPD experience?
  1. depression
  2. psychosis
  3. bipolar disorder
  4. mania
27 .
What symptom differentiates baby blues from PPD?
  1. Baby blues last longer than 14 days.
  2. Baby blues cause hallucinations.
  3. Baby blues occur in the first few days of the postpartum period.
  4. Baby blues are treated with inpatient therapy.
28 .
What intervention by the nurse can help with PPD?
  1. encouraging the partner to let the postpartum person learn to take care of themself
  2. encouraging the family to have support available for the person and partner
  3. telling the person not to breast-feed if taking antidepressants
  4. keeping the newborn in the nursery most of the day and night
29 .
What important assessment should the nurse perform on all postpartum persons?
  1. Screen for PPD with the EPDS.
  2. Screen for drug use with a urine drug screen.
  3. Screen for breast-feeding failure.
  4. Screen for contraception contraindications.
30 .
The nurse is taking the postpartum patient’s vital signs. The newborn is across the room in the bassinet, and the postpartum person refuses to hold the newborn. What should the nurse do?
  1. Call CPS for risk of child abuse.
  2. Ask the person if they are feeling depressed, hopeless, afraid, or overwhelmed.
  3. Ask the health-care provider to order an antidepressant.
  4. Discuss how good parents hold and talk to their newborns.

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