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newborn and postpartum person considered as one unit or patient
process of excessive sweating stimulated by a physiologic event or drug reaction
painful sensation of filling of the breasts, described as a feeling of hard breasts that ache and are hot to the touch
milk low in fat content, released at the beginning of a breast-feeding session
milk high in fat and calories, released later in the breast-feeding session
physiologic process of developing the means to secrete milk
lochia alba
final postpartum discharge that is yellow-white and consists of white blood cells, epithelial cells, and mucus; occurs from approximately day 10 to 28.
lochia rubra
bright to dark red discharge during the first few postpartum days that originates at the placental site and consists of blood, cervical discharge, and uterine lining
lochia serosa
pinkish-brown discharge that lasts approximately 4 to 10 days
Maternal Role Attainment Theory
theory suggesting that early skin-to-skin contact, breast-feeding, and minimizing time apart promote bonding, decrease maternal anxiety, and allow for maternal role attainment
postpartum blues
(also: baby blues) low moods that are common during the first 2 weeks of the postpartum period that resolve by themselves without treatment or medication
postpartum depression
mood disorder whose symptoms are feelings of extreme stress, detachment from the newborn, anxiety, and feelings of being overwhelmed that last longer than 2 weeks and are more severe than postpartum blues
sitz bath
warm bath for soaking the perineum, which can be used for 15 to 20 minutes multiple times during the facility stay and after returning home
taking-hold phase
phase starting 2 to 4 days after delivery, in which the postpartum person begins to initiate actions without relying on the nurse or partner
taking-in phase
phase starting 1 or 2 days after birth, in which the postpartum person is concerned with physical recovery, adapting to body changes, and caring for the newborn

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