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Parents introduce their young son to his newborn twin brothers in a postpartum hospital room. A support person looks on.
Figure 20.1 Postpartum Family Big brother is introduced to his new twin brothers during postpartum care at a Labor and Delivery Unit. (credit: "Meeting the Twins" by Shannon Miner/Flickr, CC BY 4.0)

Recovering from the process of pregnancy, labor, and birth and becoming a parent require change. The first 6 weeks of recovery after birth is considered the postpartum period (also called the puerperium). During the postpartum period, many physiologic changes and psychologic and social adaptations take place. The first 24 hours after delivery is considered immediate postpartum. Nursing care during the postpartum period involves conducting physical and psychosocial assessments of the postpartum person and communicating postpartum education topics while considering cultural expectations of parenting. This chapter presents the expected systemic changes and psychosocial adaptations of the birthing person occurring during the postpartum period.


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