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blended family
parents and children who are not biologically related to the other parent, usually created after a death or divorce but also include those who have never married; also called a binuclear or stepfamily
culture in which people believe in interconnectedness with others and respect relationships
cultural competence
lifelong process of applying evidence-based nursing in agreement with the cultural values, beliefs, worldview, and practices of patients to produce improved patient outcomes
culturally responsive care
occurs when a person’s cultural beliefs are integrated into their health care; culturally responsive care is required for a trusting, effective relationship with the patient and their family
set of beliefs, attitudes, and practices shared by a group of people or community that is accepted, followed, and passed down to other members of the group
Culture Care Theory
states that health care cannot be effectively provided without considering the person's cultural background
differences in social and ethnic backgrounds, gender, and sexual orientation within a community
dual-career family
household in which both parents work
extended family
grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins
Four Cs of Culture model
example of a quick cultural assessment tool that asks questions about what the patient Considers to be a problem, the Cause of the problem, how they are Coping with the problem, and how Concerned they are about the problem
gender-affirming language
language that describes one’s gender identity
Healthy People 2030
national objectives aimed at improving health and well-being over the next 10 years
historical trauma
cumulative trauma associated with a specific cultural, racial, marginalized, or ethnic group
culture in which people respect independence and view themselves as separate from others, with personal ideals and goals
single-career family
household in which one parent works and the other stays home
social determinants of health
nonmedical factors that influence health outcomes, including conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider sets of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life
traditional healing
various medicines and healing practices around the world that differ from the modern, Western health-care system
transcultural nursing
incorporates cultural beliefs and practices of people to help them maintain and regain health or to face death in a meaningful way
trauma-informed care
care that acknowledges all past and present parts of a person’s life situation, including any trauma they have endured (Center for Health Care Strategies, 2021) in an effort to provide treatment that supports the patient’s autonomy, strength, and control over making health-care decisions

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