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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Reflection Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingReflection Questions

Reflection Questions

1 .
A new labor and delivery unit is opening. The nurse has been asked what the unit can do to support nonpharmacologic techniques for pain management in labor. What does the nurse recommend?
2 .
Describe what a doula is and does.
3 .
Describe how the nurse can aid the laboring person to relieve back pain.
4 .
The laboring person and partner were unable to attend childbirth education. They ask the nurse to explain some techniques to help them with labor. What can the nurse teach them about physical ways to relieve labor pain?
5 .
What education should the nurse provide to the laboring person and support person regarding the use of nitrous oxide?
6 .
Describe the advantages of spinal anesthesia over general anesthesia during childbirth.

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