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active phase
phase of labor in the first stage that lasts from 6 cm (nulliparous) or 4 cm (multiparous) to 10 cm/100 percent effacement
early phase
early part of the first stage of labor lasting until 6 cm in a nulliparous person and 4 cm in a multiparous person
external cephalic version (ECV)
procedure that attempts to change the fetal position and, if successful, can negate the need for a cesarean birth
fetal attitude
description of the presence of flexion or extension (also referred to as deflexed) of the fetal head and neck
fetal position
relation of the presenting fetal part to the pelvic anatomic landmarks
first stage
stage of labor in which contractions and cervical dilation occur; ends with complete dilation/effacement
fourth stage
stage of labor that begins after the placenta delivery and the end of perineal assessment/repair and ends 1 to 4 hours later
uterine contractions that lead to dilation and effacement of the cervix and move the presenting fetal part through the pelvis
process by which the fetal presenting part descends into the maternal pelvis; occurs prior to or during labor
compression of the cranial bones, sutures, and fontanelles of the fetus to allow for the fetus to pass through the birthing person’s pelvis
oblique lie
describes a fetus with the long axis at an angle between the perpendicular and parallel
pelvic anatomy that the fetus navigates during birth
fetus and how they proceed through the passage
position of the laboring and birthing person; impacts much of the birth process and often changes the course of labor
strength of the uterine muscle contractions and the birthing person’s expulsive efforts
mind of the laboring and birthing person, which can have a lasting impact on every stage of labor and birth
external rotation of the fetal head once the head is born, whereby the fetus then turns to the left or right oblique diameter of the pelvis to allow passage of the shoulders under the maternal pubic arch
second stage
stage of labor in which the cervix reaches 10 cm dilation/100 percent effacement; lasts until birth occurs
third stage
stage of labor that begins after birth and ends with completion of the placenta delivery and perineal assessment/repair
transverse lie
describes a fetus with the long axis perpendicular to the maternal long axis

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