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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Competency-Based Assessments

Maternal Newborn NursingCompetency-Based Assessments

Competency-Based Assessments

1 .
What aspects of a patient’s health history are essential to collect during the first prenatal visit?
2 .
Identify subjective data mentioned in the chapter that pregnant patients may provide during the first prenatal visit.
3 .
How do vital signs contribute to the objective data analysis during the first prenatal visit?
4 .
Explain the different methods mentioned in the chapter for confirming a patient’s pregnancy.
5 .
What components are part of the physical examination performed during the first prenatal visit?
6 .
Describe some laboratory tests mentioned in the chapter that are conducted during the first prenatal visit.
7 .
What key information is included in the problem list (pertinent data) that the nurse reviews before calling the patient back for the interval history, and how does it contribute to continuity of care?
8 .
What are the components tested in the urine dipstick, and why is it important to perform this test during the first trimester?
9 .
What key areas of education should the nurse focus on regarding fetal growth and development in the first trimester?
10 .
During the second trimester, the nurse assesses the patient’s awareness of fetal movements. Why is this information important, and how does it influence the nursing care provided during this period?
11 .
Describe the purpose of the quad marker screen and the conditions it aims to assess during the second trimester.
12 .
Why is the hemoglobin and hematocrit (H&H) or CBC routinely done during the second trimester, and what conditions can be identified through this test?
13 .
In the second trimester, the nurse emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet. How does the nurse use the patient’s weight gain, maintenance, or loss as a screening tool for nutritional intake?
14 .
In the third trimester, why is it essential for the nurse to assess the patient’s awareness of fetal movements during the interval history? How does this assessment contribute to the overall evaluation of the pregnancy?
15 .
Why is group B beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GBS) screening crucial during the third trimester, and how does the timing of the screening impact patient care?
16 .
Why does the nurse emphasize the importance of daily fetal movement counts in the third trimester, and what should the patient do if there is a deviation from the expected fetal movement pattern?
17 .
Why is it important for the nurse to inquire about personal and sociocultural data for each family member during a family assessment of a pregnant patient?
18 .
How does analysis of the family profile, including roles, legal structure, and health status, help the nurse in understanding the family’s support system and potential risks to the pregnant person and fetus?
19 .
How do the nurse, the pregnant person, and the family collaboratively identify the priority problem during the family assessment, and why is this step crucial in developing an effective plan of care?

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