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baby-friendly hospital
facility promoting and supporting breast-feeding that does not separate the birthing person from their newborn during the entire hospital stay
group of pre-embryonic cells forming the embryo and the amnion
Braxton Hicks contractions
spontaneous, irregular, and painless uterine contractions that occur throughout the pregnancy; Braxton Hicks contractions normally have no effect on the cervix
Chadwick sign
bluish discoloration of the vagina and cervix due to the vasocongestion needed to support the growing uterus during pregnancy
common discomforts of pregnancy
symptoms experienced by pregnant persons due to the physiologic and anatomic changes of pregnancy, including gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, integumentary, and musculoskeletal manifestations
couvade syndrome
the pregnant person’s partner taking on the symptoms associated with pregnancy
diastasis recti abdominis
separation of the abdominal muscles caused by stretching and widening of the connective tissue that holds the muscles on each side of the abdomen
ductus arteriosus
shunt that connects with the pulmonary artery to the descending aorta in the fetus
ductus venosus
shunt that connects the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava of the fetus
embryonic stage
stage of development that begins with the completion of implantation and ends at the start of week 9 of gestation
fetal stage
stage of development that begins at 9 weeks of gestation and ends with birth
foramen ovale
shunt that moves the oxygenated blood from the right to left atrium in the fetus
free-standing birthing center
provides intrapartum, postpartum, and normal newborn care to low-risk persons whose pregnancy is uncomplicated and there is only one fetus in a vertex presentation
study of heredity and the patterns of inherited traits
Goodell sign
softening of the cervix and vagina and increase in vaginal mucus discharge during pregnancy
Hegar sign
softening of the lower uterine segment during pregnancy
increase in the ability of the blood to coagulate
when the trophoblast has successfully attached to the endometrium
labor and birth suite
designed to provide care to the person during the entire labor and birth process, immediate care to the newborn, and care in the first hours of recovery for the birthing person and transition for the newborn
labor, delivery, recovery, postpartum (LDRP) suite
provides care during the entire labor and birth process, and the entire postpartum stay, and provide immediate care to the newborn
linea nigra
vertical line of increased pigmentation that starts at the pubic hair line, passes through the umbilicus, and goes up to the xiphoid process
hyperpigmentation, or mask of pregnancy, on the face from the cheekbones to the forehead
when the zygote has divided into 16 cells
formation and development of the organs of the body; starts in the embryonic stage
physiologic anemia of pregnancy
anemia caused by the increase in plasma volume being proportionally higher than the increase in RBCs during pregnancy
strong craving for and consuming a nonfood substance, such as clay
positive signs of pregnancy
signs that directly confirm a person is pregnant
presumptive signs of pregnancy
symptoms noticed by the patient and are the least reliable symptoms of confirming a pregnancy because the signs can also occur with other medical conditions
probable signs of pregnancy
objective cues occurring during pregnancy and noticed by the provider and are also associated with gynecologic conditions, not just pregnancy
pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP)
benign skin condition of pregnancy; the rash is a combination of hives, bumps, microvesicles, and plaques
excessive salivation
perception of fetal movement by the pregnant person
self-care practices
daily activities to replenish oneself physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually, promoting health
striae gravidarum
reddish lines where the skin has stretched to accommodate the growth in the breasts, abdomen, and buttocks during pregnancy; also called stretch marks
mixture of fats and proteins produced in the lungs that coats the alveoli; when the newborn exhales, the surfactant keeps the alveoli from sticking together, interfering with expansion of the alveoli during the next inhalation
anything known to affect the normal growth and development of the embryo or fetus
group of infectious diseases that can be passed from the pregnant person to the fetus and is a known teratogen; diseases included are toxoplasmosis, other (originally only syphilis), rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus
group of pre-embryonic cells forming the placenta and the chorion
vena cava syndrome
when the pregnant person starts feeling dizzy, weak, and sometimes nauseated when lying flat on their back because of the pressure the enlarging uterus places on the vena cava starting around 28 weeks of gestation
ability of the fetus to survive outside the uterus

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