Reflect on your own physical development during adolescence. Did you experience any significant growth spurts or changes? How did these changes impact your self-esteem and interactions with peers?
Think about the times when you made decisions during your adolescence that you now see differently as an adult. How do you think the development of your brain at that time influenced your decision-making process?
Consider the health care you received during adolescence. Did you feel that your health-care needs were adequately met, and were you comfortable discussing personal health issues with your provider? If not, what do you think could have made the experience better?
How did your sleep patterns change during adolescence? Do you think you were getting enough sleep? Reflect on how your sleep habits impacted your daily life, including your academic performance and mood.
Reflect on your experience of learning about puberty. Did you feel prepared for the changes you went through, or did you find them surprising? What, if anything, would have helped you feel more comfortable or informed during that time?
Think about the messages you received about sex and relationships during your adolescence. How did these messages shape your views on sexual behavior? Do you believe they had a positive or negative impact on your sexual health decisions?
Consider the role of peer pressure in sexual decision-making. Have you ever felt pressured by friends or peers regarding sexual behavior? How did you handle that situation, and what did you learn from it?
Reflect on the portrayal of adolescent sexual behavior in media and popular culture. How do these portrayals compare to your own experiences or the experiences of those around you? What effect do you think these portrayals have on adolescents’ sexual health and behavior?
Reflect on a time during your adolescence when you found yourself thinking about abstract concepts like justice, equality, or truth. How did your understanding of these concepts evolve as you grew older, and what experiences or influences contributed to that change?
Consider a situation in which you had to make a difficult decision during your teenage years. How did you approach the problem, and how did your ability to think through different possibilities influence the outcome?
Recall a time when you felt strongly about questioning or challenging a rule or belief held by your parents or teachers. What was the situation, and how did your cognitive development at the time influence your reaction and reasoning?
Think about an instance where you felt that everyone was watching or judging you (an “imaginary audience”). How did this belief affect your behavior or decisions at the time, and how do you view that experience now?
Think back to a time during your adolescence when you were faced with a decision involving potential risk. What factors influenced your decision? Did you consider the possible consequences, or were you more focused on the immediate rewards? How did the outcome of this decision shape your perspective on risk-taking?
Reflect on a situation where you felt peer pressure to engage in a risky behavior. How did the presence of your peers affect your risk assessment and decision-making? Looking back, would you have made the same decision if you were alone? Why or why not?
Consider how your decision-making process has changed from adolescence to now. What are some specific ways in which you believe your ability to assess risks and rewards has matured? Provide an example of a recent decision that illustrates this change.