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Lifespan Development

Review Questions

Lifespan DevelopmentReview Questions

Infants begin to form their identity when they first realize the difference between which of the following?
  1. their feet and hands
  2. animals and people
  3. daytime and nighttime
  4. themselves and others
2 .
What does a fourteen-month-old infant typically do when they look at themselves in a mirror?
  1. touch their nose
  2. show either wariness or openness
  3. touch their ears
  4. wave at their reflection
Which of the following is a component of gender identity and not biological sex?
  1. preference for toys
  2. genetic expression
  3. prenatal hormones
  4. external genitalia
4 .
What is a temperamental trait linked with low or high interest or nervousness in new situations and places?
  1. activity
  2. distractibility
  3. intensity
  4. adaptability
When researchers say that temperament is largely genetic, what claim are they making about it?
  1. Temperament is based on environment.
  2. Temperament is biologically innate.
  3. Temperament changes regularly.
  4. Temperament is learned.
6 .
In what important way does Erikson's psychosocial theory differ from Freud’s psychosexual theory?
  1. Erikson focuses on biological satisfaction; Freud does not.
  2. Erikson examines development only in infancy; Freud examines the entire lifespan.
  3. Erikson discusses both psychological and social bonds; Freud only looks at social bonds.
  4. Erikson states that earlier dilemmas cannot be revisited; Freud says that they can.
If an infant is picked up and cared for as needed by a trusted adult in the first year of life, what are they likely to develop, according to Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development?
  1. trust
  2. mistrust
  3. autonomy
  4. shame
8 .
What is a primary emotion connected with wanting to overcome an obstacle?
  1. joy
  2. sadness
  3. anger
  4. fear
Which choice is one of the six states of arousal that is experienced by newborns?
  1. angry
  2. happy
  3. deep sleep
  4. laughing
10 .
Which emotion regulation strategy consists of covering your eyes and turning away?
  1. attentional distraction
  2. escape behavior
  3. self-soothing
  4. attention-seeking behavior
What type of attachment is displayed by an infant who is indifferent to their caregiver’s leaving and returning?
  1. ambivalent
  2. secure
  3. avoidant
  4. disorganized
12 .
At what stage of attachment do toddlers start to tolerate separation from their primary caregiver?
  1. indiscriminate social responsiveness
  2. discriminating sociability
  3. specific, enduring affective bonds
  4. goal-corrected partnerships
What is social referencing?
  1. becoming distressed when a caregiver goes away
  2. imitating a caregiver when they are in another room
  3. using a caregiver’s emotion to navigate a new situation
  4. showing a preference for unfamiliar social interactions
14 .
What type of family includes stepparents?
  1. nuclear family
  2. single-parent family
  3. intergenerational family
  4. blended family
In what type of childcare do providers welcome other children into their homes?
  1. home day care
  2. family care
  3. center care
  4. nanny care
16 .
What level of ecological influence includes broad cultural components such as religion and geography?
  1. chronosystem
  2. macrosystem
  3. exosystem
  4. mesosystem

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