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Lifespan Development

Review Questions

Lifespan DevelopmentReview Questions

The practice of safely wrapping an infant in a blanket to help calm the infant during sleep time is called________.
  1. swaddling
  2. the Ferber method
  3. A-B-C method
  4. papoosing
2 .
Organizations such as the World Health Organization, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and UNICEF all recommend exclusively breastfeeding for the first ________ months of life.
  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 9
  4. 12
The left hemisphere is typically specialized for language production and perception. This is an example of _______.
  1. synaptogenesis
  2. lateralization
  3. neurogenesis
  4. plasticity
4 .
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) includes which of these events?
  1. strangulation in bed
  2. accidental suffocation
  3. sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) where cause of death was conclusively determined
  4. death because of undernutrition
What newborn reflex can facilitate breast (or chest) feeding?
  1. rooting
  2. palmar grasp
  3. Moro
  4. Babinski
6 .
What predictable pattern of motor development can we observe during infancy?
  1. dynamic
  2. proximodistal
  3. normative
  4. dystonic
Teagan is eleven months old and just starting to walk and feed herself. Walking is an example of a ________ motor skill, and self-feeding is an example of a ________ motor skill.
  1. fine; gross
  2. gross; fine
  3. proximodistal; cephalocaudal
  4. cephalocaudal; proximodistal
8 .
A baby born in which country is typically going to sit up on their own the earliest?
  1. the United States
  2. Italy
  3. Kenya
  4. Argentina
What is typically the least fully developed sensory system in newborns and infants?
  1. taste
  2. smell
  3. touch
  4. vision
10 .
At birth, what is typically the most highly developed sensory system?
  1. vision
  2. hearing
  3. smell
  4. touch
Which is an example of intermodal perception?
  1. An infant touches a block and feels its sharp edges.
  2. A toddler hears a shaking rattle.
  3. A toddler smells cinnamon apples and smiles.
  4. A baby sees and hears a parent play peek-a-boo.
12 .
Elina is playing with her mom and sees a caterpillar. Her mom says, “That is a caterpillar. We know it is alive because it moves.” A little later, Elina sees clouds moving in the sky. What response would show Elina has engaged in what Piaget called assimilation?
  1. Elina says the cloud is alive because it is moving.
  2. Elina says the cloud is not alive because it is moving.
  3. Elina says living things breathe.
  4. Elina says living things die.
Kyleen is playing with her toys and makes the vroom, vroom sound she heard her sister make yesterday. This response is an example of _________.
  1. scaffolding
  2. object permanence
  3. deferred imitation
  4. working memory
14 .
Vygotsky’s theory promotes which explanation for cognitive development?
  1. We learn through social interaction.
  2. We learn through guided participation in a social and cultural context.
  3. We learn through play and exploration.
  4. We go through stages of change for cognitive development.
Anna is playing a game with one of her parents. They have just hidden her favorite toy behind the toy box twice but now they decide to hide it behind another toy. Although Anna was watching her parent hide the toy, she still looks behind the toy box. Anna is demonstrating ________.
  1. deferred imitation
  2. violation of expectations
  3. object permanence
  4. the A not B error
16 .
If a toddler says “mama ball,” what type of speech is this?
  1. expressive
  2. receptive
  3. holographic
  4. telegraphic
If I were studying speech and interested in the meaning of words, on what would I focus most?
  1. phonemes
  2. morphemes
  3. syntax
  4. pragmatics
18 .
What are the typical stages in language development?
  1. babble, coo, cry, holophrastic, telegraphic
  2. cry, coo, babble, telegraphic, holophrastic
  3. coo, cry, pragmatic, babble, telegraphic
  4. cry, coo, babble, holophrastic, telegraphic
Which statement supports a nativist approach to language development?
  1. Parents should praise children when they make sounds to encourage talking.
  2. Humans are born with the ability to learn any language.
  3. Language is the only form of communication.
  4. Children learn language by observing others using it.
20 .
A father is watching his son try to feed himself a piece of apple. They are both looking at the small apple pieces on the plate. What type of attention is this?
  1. direct attention
  2. joint attention
  3. inhibition
  4. sustained attention

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