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Highlights from this chapter include:

  • A while loop runs a set of statements, known as the loop body, while a given condition, known as the loop expression, is true.
  • A for loop can be used to iterate over elements of a container object.
  • A range() function generates a sequence of integers between the two numbers given a step size.
  • A nested loop has one or more loops within the body of another loop.
  • A break statement is used within a for or a while loop to allow the program execution to exit the loop once a given condition is triggered.
  • A continue statement allows for skipping the execution of the remainder of the loop without exiting the loop entirely.
  • A loop else statement runs after the loop's execution is completed without being interrupted by a break statement.

At this point, you should be able to write programs with loop constructs. The programming practice below ties together most topics presented in the chapter.

Function Description


Generates a sequence beginning at 0 until
with step size of 1.

range(start, end)

Generates a sequence beginning at start until end with step size of 1.

range(start, end, s)

Generates a sequence beginning at start until end with the step size of s.

Loop constructs Description

while loop

    # initialization
    while expression:
      # loop body

    # statements after the loop

for loop

    # initialization
    for loop_variable in container:
      # loop body

    # statements after the loop

Nested while loop

    while outer_loop_expression:
      # outer loop body (1)
      while inner_loop_expression:
        # inner loop body
      # outer loop body (2)

    # statements after the loop

break statement

    # initialization
    while loop_expression:
      # loop body
      if break_condition:
      # remaining body of loop

    # statements after the loop

continue statement

    # initialization
    while loop_expression:
      # loop body
      if continue_condition:
      # remaining body of loop

    # statements after the loop

Loop else statement

    # initialization
    for loop_expression:
      # loop body
      if break_condition:
      # remaining body of loop
      # loop else statement
    # statements after the loop
Table 5.4 Chapter 5 reference.

Try It

Prime numbers

Write a program that takes in a positive integer number (N) and prints out the first N prime numbers on separate lines.

Note: A prime number is a number that is not divisible by any positive number larger than 1. To check whether a number is prime, the condition of number % i != 0 can be checked for i greater than 1 and less than number.

Ex: if N = 6, the output is:


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