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Highlights from this chapter include:

  • A string is a sequence of values that represents Unicode code points.
  • An index refers to the position of a value in a sequence (string, list, tuple).
  • Positive indexes range from 0 to length–1. Negative indexes range from –1 to –length.
  • F-strings are a convenient way to print multiple outputs and format integers and floats.
  • Variables refer to objects. Memory diagrams are useful for drawing variables and objects.
  • A list object can be used to refer to multiple objects, by index, using the same variable.
  • A tuple is similar to a list, but uses parentheses and cannot be changed once created.
Code Description
Gets an integer representing the Unicode code point of a character.
Converts a Unicode code point (integer) into a One-character string.
Escape sequence for the newline character.
Escape sequence for the tab character.
Creates a string by formatting an integer to be at least two digits.
Creates a string by formatting a float to have two decimal places.
Gets the identity (memory location) of an object.
Gets the type (class name) of an object.
my_list = ["a", "b", "c"]
Creates a list of three strings.
my_tuple = ("a", "b", "c")
Creates a tuple of three strings.

Gets the first element ("a") of my_tuple.


Gets the last element ("c") of my_tuple.

Table 3.5 Chapter 3 reference.

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