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1 .
Civil rights is defined as ________.
  1. limits on the government’s ability to restrict individuals
  2. government guarantees of equal protection under the law to guarantee a group’s rights are not violated or denied
  3. the right to sue
  4. another name for the first 10 amendments to the Constitution
2 .
Which of the following is a negative right?
  1. Right to privacy
  2. Any power granted not to the federal government, but to states
  3. Right to send children to a public school
  4. Right to receive veterans’ benefits
3 .
What is the primary source of civil rights protection for people with disabilities in the United States?
  1. The Supreme Court’s decision in Loving v. Virginia
  2. An executive order from President Donald Trump
  3. The Americans with Disabilities Act
  4. Adherence to the United Nations’ definition and code of conduct
4 .
Civil rights changes like the recognition of same-sex marriage often require changes in a country’s ________.
  1. sovereignty
  2. economy
  3. political culture
  4. legislature
5 .
What Supreme Court decision ended historic provisions of the Voting Rights Act?
  1. Brown v. Board of Education
  2. Korematsu v. United States
  3. Near v. Minnesota
  4. Shelby County v. Holder
6 .
Which president signed the order that established the policy of Japanese American internment?
  1. Theodore Roosevelt
  2. Franklin Roosevelt
  3. Harry Truman
  4. Dwight Eisenhower
7 .
Which of the following statements about the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s and Black Lives Matter is correct?
  1. Police brutality is the primary focus of both movements.
  2. Black Lives Matter has primarily been organized via social media.
  3. Equal access to public accommodation, employment, and educational opportunities was not a priority in the 1960s.
  4. Both movements originated in African American churches.
8 .
What protest tactic ignited both the Velvet Revolution and the Arab Spring?
  1. Terrorist bombing
  2. Sit-ins
  3. Letter-writing campaign
  4. Suicide
9 .
Define institutional racism.
  1. The motivation to have the president and Congressional leadership be from different political parties
  2. A specific system of redrawing congressional districts every 10 years following the Census
  3. A provision of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to allow certain minorities to receive preference when it comes to hiring
  4. Racism perpetrated by social and political institutions that have the power to affect large groups of people that belong to a racial group
10 .
The $20,000 payments that the US government sent to living survivors of Japanese internment in 1990 represent what type of attempt to make amends for past discrimination?
  1. Reparations
  2. Court settlements
  3. Hush money
  4. Affirmative action
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