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Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience

4.3 How Do Brains Vary in Size?

Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience4.3 How Do Brains Vary in Size?

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you should be able to

  • 4.3.1 Define allometry.
  • 4.3.2 Describe how the size of the human cerebral cortex compares with other mammals.

While comparative neuroscience involves the study of many species, one species in particular has captured a disproportionate amount of attention: humans (de Sousa et al., 2023). A great deal of research has focused on what makes human brains special, such as why we can read, grow crops, and travel to outer space, while other species cannot. One of the most obvious features about the human brain is that it is large in absolute size compared with many (but not all) other mammals. Another notable feature about the human brain is that it is large relative to our body compared with other species. Accordingly, the field of comparative neuroscience began with an investigation of brain size, its parts, and how brain size correlates with sensory and cognitive capacities (Aboitiz, 1996; Hofman, 2014; de Sousa et al., 2023). Below, we evaluate the evidence supporting the notion that the expansion of brain regions is linked to specializations. We also discuss how some characteristic features of the human brain might appear to be unique to humans but may in fact be accounted for by total brain size (Finlay and Darlington, 1995; Reep et al., 2007; Yopak et al., 2010). The size of brain parts alone may be insufficient to explain human cognitive capacities. Additional changes at the molecular level likely have played an important role in human cognitive capacities.

The human brain is very big in comparison with many other species

One noticeable feature about humans is that our brains are large relative to many other mammals. However, the human brain is not the largest of mammals. For example, elephants and whales have larger brains than those of humans (Figure 4.2). Nevertheless, the observation that the human brain is approximately 3 times larger than that of great apes (i.e., chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas) and any other nonhuman primates has led many researchers to suggest that it is the size of the human brain that confers humans with enhanced cognitive capacities. Indeed, there is a positive relationship between brain size and cognitive abilities across species. Yet, brain size accounts for only a small percentage of the variance in cognitive capacities across species. Importantly, these correlative analyses are unreliable indicators of causative relationships because correlations do not mean causation. It is therefore clear that size of the brain does not explain everything about human cognitive capacities, and that other factors must play a role in cognitive capacities.

Relative brain regions vary across species

One salient feature about the human brain is that the human cerebral cortex is very big, and that it occupies a large proportion of our brain, more so than in many other species. For example, the cerebral cortex occupies approximately 80% of the brain in humans but the cerebral cortex only occupies 20% of brain volume in mice. It might therefore seem reasonable to assume that our proportionally enlarged cerebral cortex sets humans apart from other mammals. But, it is well known that the size of brain parts, including the cerebral cortex, varies allometrically. Allometry means that proportions change with overall size (Dial et al., 2008). We will explain the concept of allometry in greater detail.

Brain region volumes vary across species. Figure 4.6 depicts brains of mice, rhesus macaques and humans.

Three part diagram. 1) Bar graph showing cortex proportional of total brain volume with mouse less then macaque less than human. This represents positive allometry. 2) Diagrams of mouse, rhesus macaque and human brains scaled to be the same size with cortex highlighted, showing more cortex in human than in rhesus macaque than in mouse. 3) These three brains drawn to scale, with mouse being much smaller than macaque which is much smaller than human.
Figure 4.6 Brain regions vary allometrically A greater relative contribution of cortex to total brain mass is seen in monkeys and humans compared to mice, reflecting the positive allometry of the cortex.

As can be seen from the to-scale images in the far right, these brains have very different total sizes. One noticeable observation from Figure 4.6 is that larger brains are preferentially composed of the cerebral cortex. This observation is true when we consider these species, but it also holds when we consider other mammals. Brain allometry means that as overall brains vary in size, some brain regions come to occupy a relatively large proportion of the brain while other brain regions occupy a relatively small proportion of the brain.

A formal way to describe proportional changes in the relative size of brain parts is to say that brain regions vary allometrically (Stephan et al., 1981; Reep et al., 2007; Yopak et al., 2010; Bush and Allman, 2004). Saying that the cerebral cortex has a positive allometry means that the cerebral cortex becomes relatively enlarged in bigger brains. Species such as humans, whales, and elephants possess a big brain and a relatively enlarged cortex. In contrast, small-brained mammals such as mice, rats, hamsters, and mole rats have relatively small cerebral cortices by virtue of their small brain.

The human brain is by far the biggest of all primates and the human cortex occupies the largest proportion of the brain among primates. There are many debates as to whether the size of human brain regions, like the cortex, is unusually small, large or within the expected range considering the size of the human brain. It is possible our large cerebral cortex is exactly the size one would expect of a primate based on the total human brain size. The controversy as to whether human brain parts are small or large based on our brain size arises because we have no nonhuman primate brain of the same size for comparison, which fuels debate as to whether human cerebral cortices are unusual in size or the consequence of allometric changes. Given these debates, it is still a mystery as to whether the human cortex-to-brain ratio is large relative to other species.

Some brain regions vary across species as allometry would predict. That is, proportional differences in brain region volume are explained by changes in total brain volume. In other cases, we observe grade shifts. Grade shifts are relative changes in size of a brain region after controlling for brain size (Barton and Harvey, 2000; Charvet et al., 2012). In other words, brain regions may be larger or smaller than they should be based on what we would expect for a given brain size. What a grade shift means in terms of brain function, though, is still difficult to predict based on brain region size. We will discuss this topic below.

Grade shifts are evident in different groups of mammals (including primates), and they are observed in different regions. Some primate species, including great apes, and monkeys possess a disproportionately enlarged cerebral cortex relative to other mammals (Barton and Harvey, 2000, Finlay et al., 1998, Stephan et al., 1981). In the case of the cerebral cortex, the cerebral cortex is much bigger than that of other mammals of similar brain size. What is interesting is that we see grade shifts multiple times across different groups of mammals. For example, the cerebral cortex is bigger in monkey species relative to other rodents of similar brain size. For example, monkeys have relatively enlarged cortices even though these groups live in diverse environments each with species-specific life histories. The presence of these grade shifts shows that there is no clear one-to-one connection between the size of brain parts and behavior or environmental demands. Rather, changes in relative size of brain regions apply to whole groups of species.

Sensory and motor specializations across mammals

A standard approach to testing whether a brain region is unusually large or small is to ask whether a brain region is expanded or reduced after controlling for its overall brain size. Our example of the cerebral cortex in primates above suggests that just seeing an enlarged brain region does not necessarily tell us its function. That is not to say that brain region sizes have no relationship to behavior. On the contrary, there are several prominent examples where brain region size tells us a lot about the behaviors of a species. The link between size and function is especially evident when considering animals with a loss of sensory capability or if they show a specialization. In those cases, there is generally an association between cortical area size and sensory ability after accounting for allometric variation in brain region size. For instance, the platypus detects vibrations in the water, and possesses an expanded primary somatosensory cortex, which is responsible for processing somatosensory information from the bill (Krubitzer, 1995; Krubitzer et al., 1995; Krubitzer and Prescott, 2018). The top of Figure 4.7 shows some representative brains from several species, which show how relative proportions of cortical areas vary across species.

Two-part image. 1) A phylogenetic tree starting with a common ancestor to marsupials and several placentals, including rodents, carnivores and primates. Colorcoding highlights major cortical areas and shows great variation in the relative portion of cortex occupied by different cortical areas by species. These are attributed to species-specific adaptation. 2) Photo of a mole rat, a small furry rodent with no eyes plus a diagram of the cortical surface of a mole rat showing an enlarge somatosensory cortex at the expense of visual and auditory areas, reflecting its strong reliance on touch sensation to navigate underground.
Figure 4.7 Evolution of cortical areas Image credit: Mole Image by Bassem18. "Palestine Mole-rat" (2007) CC BY SA 3.0

This variation is shaped by allometry as well as species-specific behavioral adaptations. If we compare the relative size of the rodent somatosensory area with that of primates, we see that rodents have expanded somatosensory cortex dedicated to input from their whiskers. This situation is similar to that observed in the platypus, which show an expanded somatosensory cortex linked to their bill (as described above). Primates, in contrast, rely far less on somatosensory input and have a much smaller relative somatosensory cortex. The expansion of somatosensory areas in rodents typically comes at a cost to visual and other sensory areas. Rodent species with reduced or no visual capabilities provide a particularly notable example of this kind of specialization. This is the case in blind mole rats, which are nearly blind (Figure 4.7). These blind mole rats have reduced cortical territory devoted to processing visual information and a massively expanded somatosensory cortex to process sensory information from the body.

A relevant question at this point is where these variations in cortical size come from? Are they “hard-wired” into each species or do they arise from experience and therefore can change? The answer is a bit of both. Much of the size differences in brain regions across species is encoded in the genome. That is, a human cannot increase their exposure to touch sensation and develop a somatosensory cortex to rival a platypus. Yet, experience can shape the size of brain regions to some extent. Indeed, a range of studies focused on the neural basis of experience-dependent plasticity and cross-species comparisons have systematically shown a link between experience and size in cortical territories. For example, musicians have an expanded auditory cortex, and this is thought to be because of their sustained attention to listening and playing music (described below; Strait et al., 2014; Moreno and Bidelman, 2014).

Studies from experimental models further demonstrate that cortical areas change with experience, and others show the importance of attention in mediating changes in cortical territory (Dooley et al., 2017; Ramamurthy and Krubitzer, 2018; Dooley and Krubitzer, 2019). Animals may be exposed to stimuli or be deprived from stimuli, and their cortices reorganize in response to this input. See Chapter 7 Hearing and Balance for an interesting example of how the auditory cortex reorganizes based on the frequencies of sound during development. Experimental results combined with cross-species analysis of sensory and motor specialization demonstrate that cortical plasticity is determined by the environment.


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