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Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience

4.1 How Do We Choose A Model System?

Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience4.1 How Do We Choose A Model System?

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you should be able to

  • 4.1.1 Explain how you would choose a model system.
  • 4.1.2 Explain how to obtain institutional approvals to use an animal for study.

In this section, we will discuss how scientists select a model system to study, as well as some of the rules governing use of animals in research.

Selecting a model system

A model organism or model system is an animal that is studied to gain understanding about biological phenomena, with the expectation that what is learned will apply broadly across other species. The choice of model system depends on several key criteria. In behavioral neuroscience, it is primarily based on the behavior or dysfunction we aim to understand.

Scientists sometimes select closely related species with very different behaviors so that they may understand how differences in neural systems support differences in behaviors. For example, we will see in subsequent sections that several species of voles are conducive to studying social bonding because they are closely related to each other but show highly divergent social behaviors. These studies have helped researchers understand how neural organization of voles underlie social behaviors.

The selection of a model system can also be guided by its extraordinary ability. For example, bats use echolocation to navigate their environment. They send out sonic signals, which they then use to interpret the shape of their environment based on what sound bounces back. Bats integrate this information with visual information, making them good models to understand the neural basis of multi-sensory integration (Moss and Sinha, 2003).

Finally, phylogenetic proximity to humans is a key benefit when we want to use model organisms to understand human biology. For example, we will discuss how macaques have helped us understand human neurodevelopment because they are closely related to us. There are many other examples that illustrate the importance of letting behavior guide the choice of a model system. While researchers may each have a preferred model system for studying their question, the integration of information across model systems provides a comprehensive understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms of a behavior.

In addition to having the behavior drive model selection, there are practical concerns associated with the use of model species. In many cases, scientists are concerned about how easily the model organism can breed and be housed in a laboratory. While experiments in the wild can be informative, laboratory environments provide much greater control over what animals experience and how data are collected. Mice are by far the most used laboratory species in biomedical research because they are sufficiently similar to humans, and because they are readily (and cheaply) maintained in a controlled lab setting (de Sousa et al., 2023). They are also amenable to study because scientists can obtain many of them. Other model systems include rats, voles, hamsters, guinea pigs, naked-mole rats, rabbits, opossums, and cats (Clancy et al., 2001). Non-human primates are also used in research and include macaques and marmosets. Each of these organisms has practical drawbacks and benefits in their use.

History and regulation of animal research

Humans have been using animal models for centuries. For example, researchers in ancient Greece dissected animals with the goal of better understanding human anatomy. This is because there were taboos of studying human anatomy. Prominent physicians also performed surgeries on live animals called vivisections to learn about living anatomy in ways they could not in humans (Allen Shotwell, 2013). Today, we have different ethical standards than we did in the past, and scientists must follow a strict code of conduct when it comes to experimenting on animals or humans. That is, researchers must follow strict guidelines to perform research on animals.

Any research on animals must first be approved by an Institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) at the researcher’s home institution. The IACUC is composed of scientists, as well as members of the general public. The first step in the process is for a researcher to write a proposal that articulates the necessity of using animals in research and explains the benefit to society. The IACUC reviews this proposal and evaluates whether the proposed study is sufficiently justified to warrant the use of animals in a research study (Prentice et al., 1992). A major focus for the IACUC is to ensure that measures are used to minimize pain. In addition, the IACUC considers how many animals the researcher proposes to use to make sure they are not proposing either more or less than are needed to yield reliable results. Therefore, IACUC plays a critical role in fostering ethical and responsible animal research, which benefits researchers as well as the community at large.

The use of animals in research has a proven track record of saving human lives. There are emerging alternatives that may reduce the need for animal models. Later in this chapter, we will discuss one exciting new frontier which has much potential to reduce the need for animals. We are making reference to organoids. Organoids are derived from stem cells and are grown into clumps that share many features with actual organs. Theoretically, these organoids can be grown from stem cells of any species. Organoids can be used to study biological processes in rare and endangered species, and to test possible treatments for disease. We can take skin cells, reprogram them to stem cells, grow organoids, and test possible treatments for disease (Quadrato et al., 2016). Testing treatments in organoids is a viable option, especially in cases where testing treatments directly in humans would be unethical. Therefore, these stem cell-based approaches open up new and exciting possibilities for research. They also provide insights about systems that would otherwise be unethical or impractical to study in a model system.


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