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16.1 Principles of Homeostasis

Animals maintain a stable internal environment through the process of homeostasis. Life-sustaining factors, such as oxygen, temperature, food, and water, are maintained at optimal set-points for each organism. Animals maintain set-points via negative feedback mechanisms, in which a sensor detects a deviation from a set-point, a control system processes information from one or more sensors, and an effector system produces a response that counteracts the change. Many homeostatic systems throughout the body are regulated by the nervous system. The challenge for neuroscientists interested in studying the neurobiology of homeostasis is to understand the specific sensors, control centers, and effectors that regulate each life-sustaining factor.

16.2 Neural Control of Blood Oxygenation Levels

Homeostasis for blood oxygenation levels is regulated by the medullary respiratory control center (MRCC) and medullary cardiac control center (MCCC) in the brainstem. These populations of neurons sense changes in low blood oxygenation levels indirectly by sensing the pH of the blood. In response to higher acidity of the blood (lower pH), these neuronal populations increase respiratory rate and heart rate, respectively, to correct for deficiencies in blood oxygenation and to ensure delivery of oxygen to cells throughout the body.

16.3 Neural Control of Core Body Temperature

Regulation of core body temperature is important for survival to ensure that cells and organ systems are neither too hot nor too cold. Temperature can be sensed throughout the skin via thermosensitive ion channels, expressed in neurons that ultimately inform the brain about changes in body temperature throughout the body. Core body temperature is also sensed directly in the preoptic area (POA) of the hypothalamus. The POA serves as both a sensory and control center that employs several physiological and behavioral effector mechanisms to regulate homeostasis of body temperature. If too cold, an animal might increase sympathetic nervous system activity to increase metabolism and constrict blood vessels while simultaneously altering behavior to seek warmth. If too warm, an animal might decrease sympathetic tone, engage in behaviors such as panting or sweating, and seek cooler environments.

16.4 Neural Control of Feeding Behavior

Energy homeostasis ensures that animals consume enough calories for their daily metabolic needs without overwhelming their digestive systems with too much food. Feeding behavior is regulated by hormonal and neuronal systems in the peripheral and central nervous systems. A variety of hormones released by the digestive track including amylin, CCK, and PYY, as well as hormones released by fat cells, such as leptin, inform the brain about the course of a meal and energy reserves. Additionally, stomach volume is sensed by the vagus nerve. Various populations of neurons in the brain ultimately regulate feelings of hunger and satiety. Just before a meal, AgRP neurons initiate a behavioral state of feeling hungry and an animal is motivated to seek food. During and after a meal, POMC neurons and brainstem satiety centers, like the NTS, progressively cause a behavioral state of feeling full. Taken together, the neural populations that regulate food intake cause motivation to seek food such that an animal consumes enough calories throughout the day but not so much that it continuously overeats. Dysfunction of energy homeostatic systems can cause an imbalance that leads to obesity or malnourishment.

16.5 Neural Control of Drinking Behavior

Homeostasis for water ensures that our cells and organ systems maintain a precise osmotic balance. Neurons in the SFO and OVLT sense a change in plasma osmolarity in adjacent blood vessels. If the plasma osmloarity becomes too hypertonic, the SFO and OVLT excite downstream neural populations that cause feelings of thirst and the motivation to drink. The SFO and OVLT also causes an increase in the release of antidiuretic hormone from the pituitary gland, causing the kidney to release less water into the urine.


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