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11.1 Understanding Sexual Reproduction and Sexual Dimorphism

________ during meiosis contributes to genetic diversity by creating new combinations of alleles.

11.2 Mechanisms of Sexual Determination and Differentiation

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________ is the process by which an organism's sex is determined by its chromosomes, such as the XY system in mammals, where the presence of the SRY gene on the Y chromosome triggers male development.

11.3 Sex Differences in Brain and Behavior: Genetic, Hormonal, and Environmental Mechanisms

________ is a condition where females have only one X chromosome, leading to various developmental and physiological effects, including reduced hippocampal volume.
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________ such as DNA methylation and histone modification can influence how steroid hormones imprint on the developing brain, leading to lasting differences in adult physiology and behavior between the sexes.

11.4 Sex Differences in Brain Circuits and Susceptibility to Psychiatric Disease

________ like testosterone and estrogen are derived from cholesterol and are fat-soluble, allowing them to penetrate cell membranes and exert their effects on target tissues.
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Besides neurons, ________ in the brain can contribute to sex-biased susceptibilities to psychiatric disorders by exhibiting sex-dependent structural and functional differences.

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