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a multicellular organism, either vertebrate or invertebrate, that can breathe, move, ingest, excrete, and sexually reproduce.
animal empathy
a human sense of understanding and sensing the feelings of other animals.
the belief that the human perspective is the most important one; also called human exceptionalism.
members of the same species.
culture hero
an idealized animal or human figure associated with supernatural feats. A culture hero is particular to their cultural group, exhibiting specific traits, actions, and discoveries that are significant to that group of people
the selective breeding of a species by humans to create animals better suited to human life.
an international conservation movement to preserve the flora and fauna of endangered natural environments through conscientious tourism.
a Buddhist spiritual principle of cause and effect in which an individual’s words, actions, and deeds in one life affect their conditions in the next life cycle
multispecies ethnography
the study of the interactions between humans and other species within their shared environment.
a domain defined by cultures as outside or on the margins of human culture.
a tendency for an animal to maintain both physical and social juvenile characteristics into adulthood.
nomadic pastoralism
herding that is based on the availability of environmental resources; involves unpredictable movements, as herders decide from day to day where they will go next.
pastoral societies
societies in which primary subsistence is based on herding groups of animals.
animals, whether domesticated or tamed, with whom humans have a social bond.
interaction involving multiple species.
rebirth into a new cycle of life, inhabiting a new body of the same or another species.
a mutually beneficial relationship between species.
a behavioral condition in which humans encourage wild animals to tolerate human proximity and interaction.
an animal or plant believed to be spiritually connected to a group of people.
a belief and classification system in which a group of humans claims a spiritual kinship with a plant or animal that serves as the group’s emblem.
transhumant pastoralism
herding in a regular, patterned movement from one location to another.
an animal spirit deity who is very lively and clever and gets into trouble through thoughtless or unconventional actions.
plural form of zoonosis, singular; diseases transmitted from animals to humans, usually involving a wild animal host. Many zoonoses mutate and become more virulent in their human hosts (e.g., COVID-19, measles, HIV, influenza).

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