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not engaging in sexual thoughts or activities.
engaging in sexual thoughts or activities involving persons of one’s own sex/gender category as well as a different sex/gender category (or multiple other such categories).
a sense that some trait is so profoundly deep and consequential that it creates a common identity for everyone who has that trait.
people whose enduring physical, romantic, and/ or emotional attractions are to people of the same sex or gender; usually refers to men who are attracted to other men, but may include women who are attracted to other women.
a set of cultural identities, expressions and roles that are assigned to people, often based upon the interpretation of their bodies, and in some cases, their sexual and reproductive anatomy.
gender ideology
a coordinated set of ideas about gender categories, relations, behaviors, norms, and ideals.
gender nonbinary
rejecting strict male and female gender categories in favor of a more flexible and contextual expression of gender.
the notion that heterosexuality is the most natural and normal form of sexuality.
engaging in sexual thoughts or activities involving persons of a different sex/gender category.
the recognition that gender, race, class, ethnicity, age, sexuality, and physical ability all intersect to make the experiences of a person in any category diverse and complex
born with differences in sex characteristics or chromosomes that do not fall within typical conceptions of male or female.
a woman whose enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction is to other women.
a hypothetical gender ideology that positions women as rulers of private and public life.
multiple gender
a gender system that goes beyond male and female, adding one or more other categories.
engaging in sexual thoughts or activities with others without regard to biological sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Pansexual people may refer to themselves as gender-blind, meaning that sex and gender are not determining factors in their erotic relations.
a widespread gender ideology that positions men as rulers of private and public life.
originally a pejorative term in American culture for people who did not conform to the rigid norms of heterosexuality; now used as a term of pride among many members of the LGBTQIA+ community to highlight the fluid, constantly changing, and contextual nature of gender and sexuality.
queer anthropology
a subfield of anthropology that focuses on areas of sociocultural activity distinguished from the presumed norms of heterosexuality and gender identities.
biological categories of male, female, and intersex.
sexual dimorphism
a size difference between males and females of a species.
sexual orientation
sociocultural identities associated with specific forms of sexuality.
erotic thoughts, desires, and practices and the sociocultural identities associated with them.
a subfield of biology that attempts to explain human behavior by considering evolutionary processes.
variant female
a category of persons who are ascribed female at birth but adopt a masculine identity later on.
variant gender
a category of gender other than male or female.
variant male
a category of persons who are ascribed male at birth but adopt a feminine identity later on.

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