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Review Questions

EntrepreneurshipReview Questions


The question “How might we find a way to make use of DVDs and other physical media as users adopt streaming services for films and television over time?” is an example of which form of ideation?

  1. statement starter
  2. open innovation
  3. design thinking
  4. brainstorming

The creative process that begins with empathy is known as ________.

  1. Stanford’s model of human-centric design
  2. build-measure-learn
  3. open innovation
  4. disruptive innovation

In the Six Hats exercise, new ideas are the purview of the ________.

  1. Black Hat
  2. Blue Hat
  3. Green Hat
  4. Red Hat

________ is thinking strategically, often to create human-centered products.

  1. Creativity
  2. Innovation
  3. Invention
  4. Design thinking

An innovation that is not developed in tandem with consumers but that is introduced in a society or in a targeted market as completed and “finished” is often referred to as a “________.”

  1. design thinking
  2. iterative development
  3. black box
  4. corporate narrative

If linear thinking is the idea that progress follows or should follow a set of established, logical steps, ________ is free and open thinking where established patterns of logical thought are purposefully ignored or even challenged.

  1. design thinking
  2. iterative development
  3. corporate narrative
  4. lateral thinking

The model for building ________ also includes steps for team building, suggesting that the most complex developments require more than the lone mad scientist in a lab, despite what is often depicted in popular culture.

  1. creativity in an individual
  2. innovations
  3. inventions

Problem solving is part of but not the entire model for building innovations. True or False?

  1. true
  2. false

DICEE is a model for ________ that focuses on going beyond problem solving to get at the underlying qualities of what makes certain new products “sticky” in ways that make people true fans.

  1. creativity in practice
  2. innovative products
  3. inventions
  4. building creative teams

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