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Suggested Resources

EntrepreneurshipSuggested Resources

13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has a great “tool box” for entrepreneurs. Tools include information on how to create a business plan and how to qualify for government contracts. It also has free online training classes and a list of networking events. Go to this link, and then click on “Create a Business Plan” and get started. SBA:

13.2 Corporations

A cost-effective solution for obtaining business counsel is the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), which provides free advice for small businesses and entrepreneurs. The SCORE organization is the nation’s largest nonprofit network of volunteer, expert business mentors, with more than 10,000 volunteers in 300 chapters. You can find them at:

13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures

The IRS website has a clear explanation of partnerships with regard to taxation, regarding both income tax and employment/payroll taxes. You might find enough information here to help reduce the time you spend with a CPA, saving your company a lot of money:

13.4 Limited Liability Companies

The SBA has an excellent website for LLC owners. It has information about multiple topics including comparisons with other structures, and links to other websites that offer good advice:

13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks

North Carolina State University, Poole College of Management, has an excellent enterprise risk management initiative. It has a wealth of helpful information for entrepreneurs on this topic:


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