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Elementary Algebra 2e

6.5 Divide Monomials

Elementary Algebra 2e6.5 Divide Monomials

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Simplify expressions using the Quotient Property for Exponents
  • Simplify expressions with zero exponents
  • Simplify expressions using the quotient to a Power Property
  • Simplify expressions by applying several properties
  • Divide monomials

Be Prepared 6.9

Before you get started, take this readiness quiz.

Simplify: 824.824.
If you missed this problem, review Example 1.65.

Be Prepared 6.10

Simplify: (2m3)5.(2m3)5.
If you missed this problem, review Example 6.23.

Be Prepared 6.11

Simplify: 12x12y.12x12y.
If you missed this problem, review Example 1.67.

Simplify Expressions Using the Quotient Property for Exponents

Earlier in this chapter, we developed the properties of exponents for multiplication. We summarize these properties below.

Summary of Exponent Properties for Multiplication

If aandbaandb are real numbers, and mandnmandn are whole numbers, then

Product Property am·an=am+nam·an=am+n
Power Property (am)n=am·n(am)n=am·n
Product to a Power (ab)m=ambm(ab)m=ambm

Now we will look at the exponent properties for division. A quick memory refresher may help before we get started. You have learned to simplify fractions by dividing out common factors from the numerator and denominator using the Equivalent Fractions Property. This property will also help you work with algebraic fractions—which are also quotients.

Equivalent Fractions Property

If a,b,andca,b,andc are whole numbers where b0,c0b0,c0,


As before, we’ll try to discover a property by looking at some examples.

Consider x5x2x5x2 and x2x3x2x3
What do they mean? x·x·x·x·xx·xx·x·x·x·xx·x x·xx·x·xx·xx·x·x
Use the Equivalent Fractions Property. x·x·x·x·xx·xx·x·x·x·xx·x x·x·1x·x·xx·x·1x·x·x
Simplify. x3x3 1x1x

Notice, in each case the bases were the same and we subtracted exponents.

When the larger exponent was in the numerator, we were left with factors in the numerator.

When the larger exponent was in the denominator, we were left with factors in the denominator—notice the numerator of 1.

We write:


This leads to the Quotient Property for Exponents.

Quotient Property for Exponents

If aa is a real number, a0a0, and mandnmandn are whole numbers, then


A couple of examples with numbers may help to verify this property.


Example 6.59

Simplify: x9x7x9x7 31032.31032.

Try It 6.117

Simplify: x15x10x15x10 61465.61465.

Try It 6.118

Simplify: y43y37y43y37 1015107.1015107.

Example 6.60

Simplify: b8b12b8b12 7375.7375.

Try It 6.119

Simplify: x18x22x18x22 12151230.12151230.

Try It 6.120

Simplify: m7m15m7m15 98919.98919.

Notice the difference in the two previous examples:

  • If we start with more factors in the numerator, we will end up with factors in the numerator.
  • If we start with more factors in the denominator, we will end up with factors in the denominator.

The first step in simplifying an expression using the Quotient Property for Exponents is to determine whether the exponent is larger in the numerator or the denominator.

Example 6.61

Simplify: a5a9a5a9 x11x7.x11x7.

Try It 6.121

Simplify: b19b11b19b11 z5z11.z5z11.

Try It 6.122

Simplify: p9p17p9p17 w13w9.w13w9.

Simplify Expressions with an Exponent of Zero

A special case of the Quotient Property is when the exponents of the numerator and denominator are equal, such as an expression like amamamam. From your earlier work with fractions, you know that:


In words, a number divided by itself is 1. So, xx=1xx=1, for any x(x0)x(x0), since any number divided by itself is 1.

The Quotient Property for Exponents shows us how to simplify amanaman when m>nm>n and when n<mn<m by subtracting exponents. What if m=nm=n?

Consider 8888, which we know is 1.

Write 88 as 2323. 2323=12323=1
Subtract exponents. 233=1233=1
Simplify. 20=120=1

Now we will simplify amamamam in two ways to lead us to the definition of the zero exponent. In general, for a0a0:

This figure is divided into two columns. At the top of the figure, the left and right columns both contain a to the m power divided by a to the m power. In the next row, the left column contains a to the m minus m power. The right column contains the fraction m factors of a divided by m factors of a, represented in the numerator and denominator by a times a followed by an ellipsis. All the as in the numerator and denominator are canceled out. In the bottom row, the left column contains a to the zero power. The right column contains 1.

We see amamamam simplifies to a0a0 and to 1. So a0=1a0=1.

Zero Exponent

If aa is a non-zero number, then a0=1a0=1.

Any nonzero number raised to the zero power is 1.

In this text, we assume any variable that we raise to the zero power is not zero.

Example 6.62

Simplify: 9090 n0.n0.

Try It 6.123

Simplify: 150150 m0.m0.

Try It 6.124

Simplify: k0k0 290.290.

Now that we have defined the zero exponent, we can expand all the Properties of Exponents to include whole number exponents.

What about raising an expression to the zero power? Let’s look at (2x)0(2x)0. We can use the product to a power rule to rewrite this expression.

Use the product to a power rule. 20x020x0
Use the zero exponent property. 1·11·1
Simplify. 11
Table 6.1

This tells us that any nonzero expression raised to the zero power is one.

Example 6.63

Simplify: (5b)0(5b)0 (−4a2b)0.(−4a2b)0.

Try It 6.125

Simplify: (11z)0(11z)0 (−11pq3)0.(−11pq3)0.

Try It 6.126

Simplify: (−6d)0(−6d)0 (−8m2n3)0.(−8m2n3)0.

Simplify Expressions Using the Quotient to a Power Property

Now we will look at an example that will lead us to the Quotient to a Power Property.

This means: xy·xy·xyxy·xy·xy
Multiply the fractions. x·x·xy·y·yx·x·xy·y·y
Write with exponents. x3y3x3y3

Notice that the exponent applies to both the numerator and the denominator.

We write: (xy)3(xy)3

This leads to the Quotient to a Power Property for Exponents.

Quotient to a Power Property for Exponents

If aa and bb are real numbers, b0b0, and mm is a counting number, then


To raise a fraction to a power, raise the numerator and denominator to that power.

An example with numbers may help you understand this property:


Example 6.64

Simplify: (37)2(37)2 (b3)4(b3)4 (kj)3.(kj)3.

Try It 6.127

Simplify: (58)2(58)2 (p10)4(p10)4 (mn)7.(mn)7.

Try It 6.128

Simplify: (13)3(13)3 (−2q)3(−2q)3 (wx)4.(wx)4.

Simplify Expressions by Applying Several Properties

We’ll now summarize all the properties of exponents so they are all together to refer to as we simplify expressions using several properties. Notice that they are now defined for whole number exponents.

Summary of Exponent Properties

If aandbaandb are real numbers, and mandnmandn are whole numbers, then

Product Property am·an=am+nam·an=am+n
Power Property (am)n=am·n(am)n=am·n
Product to a Power (ab)m=ambm(ab)m=ambm
Quotient Property aman=amn,a0,m>naman=1anm,a0,n>maman=amn,a0,m>naman=1anm,a0,n>m
Zero Exponent Definition ao=1,a0ao=1,a0
Quotient to a Power Property (ab)m=ambm,b0(ab)m=ambm,b0

Example 6.65

Simplify: (y4)2y6.(y4)2y6.

Try It 6.129

Simplify: (m5)4m7.(m5)4m7.

Try It 6.130

Simplify: (k2)6k7.(k2)6k7.

Example 6.66

Simplify: b12(b2)6.b12(b2)6.

Try It 6.131

Simplify: n12(n3)4.n12(n3)4.

Try It 6.132

Simplify: x15(x3)5.x15(x3)5.

Example 6.67

Simplify: (y9y4)2.(y9y4)2.

Try It 6.133

Simplify: (r5r3)4.(r5r3)4.

Try It 6.134

Simplify: (v6v4)3.(v6v4)3.

Example 6.68

Simplify: (j2k3)4.(j2k3)4.

Try It 6.135

Simplify: (a3b2)4.(a3b2)4.

Try It 6.136

Simplify: (q7r5)3.(q7r5)3.

Example 6.69

Simplify: (2m25n)4.(2m25n)4.

Try It 6.137

Simplify: (7x39y)2.(7x39y)2.

Try It 6.138

Simplify: (3x47y)2.(3x47y)2.

Example 6.70

Simplify: (x3)4(x2)5(x6)5.(x3)4(x2)5(x6)5.

Try It 6.139

Simplify: (a2)3(a2)4(a4)5.(a2)3(a2)4(a4)5.

Try It 6.140

Simplify: (p3)4(p5)3(p7)6.(p3)4(p5)3(p7)6.

Example 6.71

Simplify: (10p3)2(5p)3(2p5)4.(10p3)2(5p)3(2p5)4.

Try It 6.141

Simplify: (3r3)2(r3)7(r3)3.(3r3)2(r3)7(r3)3.

Try It 6.142

Simplify: (2x4)5(4x3)2(x3)5.(2x4)5(4x3)2(x3)5.

Divide Monomials

You have now been introduced to all the properties of exponents and used them to simplify expressions. Next, you’ll see how to use these properties to divide monomials. Later, you’ll use them to divide polynomials.

Example 6.72

Find the quotient: 56x7÷8x3.56x7÷8x3.

Try It 6.143

Find the quotient: 42y9÷6y3.42y9÷6y3.

Try It 6.144

Find the quotient: 48z8÷8z2.48z8÷8z2.

Example 6.73

Find the quotient: 45a2b3−5ab5.45a2b3−5ab5.

Try It 6.145

Find the quotient: −72a7b38a12b4.−72a7b38a12b4.

Try It 6.146

Find the quotient: −63c8d37c12d2.−63c8d37c12d2.

Example 6.74

Find the quotient: 24a5b348ab4.24a5b348ab4.

Try It 6.147

Find the quotient: 16a7b624ab8.16a7b624ab8.

Try It 6.148

Find the quotient: 27p4q7−45p12q.27p4q7−45p12q.

Once you become familiar with the process and have practiced it step by step several times, you may be able to simplify a fraction in one step.

Example 6.75

Find the quotient: 14x7y1221x11y6.14x7y1221x11y6.

Try It 6.149

Find the quotient: 28x5y1449x9y12.28x5y1449x9y12.

Try It 6.150

Find the quotient: 30m5n1148m10n14.30m5n1148m10n14.

In all examples so far, there was no work to do in the numerator or denominator before simplifying the fraction. In the next example, we’ll first find the product of two monomials in the numerator before we simplify the fraction. This follows the order of operations. Remember, a fraction bar is a grouping symbol.

Example 6.76

Find the quotient: (6x2y3)(5x3y2)(3x4y5).(6x2y3)(5x3y2)(3x4y5).

Try It 6.151

Find the quotient: (6a4b5)(4a2b5)12a5b8.(6a4b5)(4a2b5)12a5b8.

Try It 6.152

Find the quotient: (−12x6y9)(−4x5y8)−12x10y12.(−12x6y9)(−4x5y8)−12x10y12.


Access these online resources for additional instruction and practice with dividing monomials:

Section 6.5 Exercises

Practice Makes Perfect

Simplify Expressions Using the Quotient Property for Exponents

In the following exercises, simplify.


x18x3x18x3 5125351253


y20y10y20y10 7167271672


p21p7p21p7 4164441644


u24u3u24u3 9159591595


q18q36q18q36 102103102103


t10t40t10t40 83858385


bb9bb9 446446


xx7xx7 1010310103

Simplify Expressions with Zero Exponents

In the following exercises, simplify.


200200 b0b0


130130 k0k0


270270 (270)(270)


150150 (150)(150)


(25x)0(25x)0 25x025x0


(6y)0(6y)0 6y06y0


(12x)0(12x)0 (−56p4q3)0(−56p4q3)0


7y07y0(17y)0(17y)0 (−93c7d15)0(−93c7d15)0


12n018m012n018m0 (12n)0(18m)0(12n)0(18m)0


15r022s015r022s0 (15r)0(22s)0(15r)0(22s)0

Simplify Expressions Using the Quotient to a Power Property

In the following exercises, simplify.


(34)3(34)3 (p2)5(p2)5 (xy)6(xy)6


(25)2(25)2 (x3)4(x3)4 (ab)5(ab)5


(a3b)4(a3b)4 (54m)2(54m)2


(x2y)3(x2y)3 (103q)4(103q)4

Simplify Expressions by Applying Several Properties

In the following exercises, simplify.


( a 2 ) 3 a 4 ( a 2 ) 3 a 4


( p 3 ) 4 p 5 ( p 3 ) 4 p 5


( y 3 ) 4 y 10 ( y 3 ) 4 y 10


( x 4 ) 5 x 15 ( x 4 ) 5 x 15


u 6 ( u 3 ) 2 u 6 ( u 3 ) 2


v 20 ( v 4 ) 5 v 20 ( v 4 ) 5


m 12 ( m 8 ) 3 m 12 ( m 8 ) 3


n 8 ( n 6 ) 4 n 8 ( n 6 ) 4


( p 9 p 3 ) 5 ( p 9 p 3 ) 5


( q 8 q 2 ) 3 ( q 8 q 2 ) 3


( r 2 r 6 ) 3 ( r 2 r 6 ) 3


( m 4 m 7 ) 4 ( m 4 m 7 ) 4


( p r 11 ) 2 ( p r 11 ) 2


( a b 6 ) 3 ( a b 6 ) 3


( w 5 x 3 ) 8 ( w 5 x 3 ) 8


( y 4 z 10 ) 5 ( y 4 z 10 ) 5


( 2 j 3 3 k ) 4 ( 2 j 3 3 k ) 4


( 3 m 5 5 n ) 3 ( 3 m 5 5 n ) 3


( 3 c 2 4 d 6 ) 3 ( 3 c 2 4 d 6 ) 3


( 5 u 7 2 v 3 ) 4 ( 5 u 7 2 v 3 ) 4


( k 2 k 8 k 3 ) 2 ( k 2 k 8 k 3 ) 2


( j 2 j 5 j 4 ) 3 ( j 2 j 5 j 4 ) 3


( t 2 ) 5 ( t 4 ) 2 ( t 3 ) 7 ( t 2 ) 5 ( t 4 ) 2 ( t 3 ) 7


( q 3 ) 6 ( q 2 ) 3 ( q 4 ) 8 ( q 3 ) 6 ( q 2 ) 3 ( q 4 ) 8


( −2 p 2 ) 4 ( 3 p 4 ) 2 ( −6 p 3 ) 2 ( −2 p 2 ) 4 ( 3 p 4 ) 2 ( −6 p 3 ) 2


( −2 k 3 ) 2 ( 6 k 2 ) 4 ( 9 k 4 ) 2 ( −2 k 3 ) 2 ( 6 k 2 ) 4 ( 9 k 4 ) 2


( −4 m 3 ) 2 ( 5 m 4 ) 3 ( −10 m 6 ) 3 ( −4 m 3 ) 2 ( 5 m 4 ) 3 ( −10 m 6 ) 3


( −10 n 2 ) 3 ( 4 n 5 ) 2 ( 2 n 8 ) 2 ( −10 n 2 ) 3 ( 4 n 5 ) 2 ( 2 n 8 ) 2

Divide Monomials

In the following exercises, divide the monomials.


56 b 8 ÷ 7 b 2 56 b 8 ÷ 7 b 2


63 v 10 ÷ 9 v 2 63 v 10 ÷ 9 v 2


−88 y 15 ÷ 8 y 3 −88 y 15 ÷ 8 y 3


−72 u 12 ÷ 1 2 u 4 −72 u 12 ÷ 1 2 u 4


45 a 6 b 8 −15 a 10 b 2 45 a 6 b 8 −15 a 10 b 2


54 x 9 y 3 −18 x 6 y 15 54 x 9 y 3 −18 x 6 y 15


15 r 4 s 9 18 r 9 s 2 15 r 4 s 9 18 r 9 s 2


20 m 8 n 4 30 m 5 n 9 20 m 8 n 4 30 m 5 n 9


18 a 4 b 8 −27 a 9 b 5 18 a 4 b 8 −27 a 9 b 5


45 x 5 y 9 −60 x 8 y 6 45 x 5 y 9 −60 x 8 y 6


64 q 11 r 9 s 3 48 q 6 r 8 s 5 64 q 11 r 9 s 3 48 q 6 r 8 s 5


65 a 10 b 8 c 5 42 a 7 b 6 c 8 65 a 10 b 8 c 5 42 a 7 b 6 c 8


( 10 m 5 n 4 ) ( 5 m 3 n 6 ) 25 m 7 n 5 ( 10 m 5 n 4 ) ( 5 m 3 n 6 ) 25 m 7 n 5


( −18 p 4 q 7 ) ( −6 p 3 q 8 ) −36 p 12 q 10 ( −18 p 4 q 7 ) ( −6 p 3 q 8 ) −36 p 12 q 10


( 6 a 4 b 3 ) ( 4 a b 5 ) ( 12 a 2 b ) ( a 3 b ) ( 6 a 4 b 3 ) ( 4 a b 5 ) ( 12 a 2 b ) ( a 3 b )


( 4 u 2 v 5 ) ( 15 u 3 v ) ( 12 u 3 v ) ( u 4 v ) ( 4 u 2 v 5 ) ( 15 u 3 v ) ( 12 u 3 v ) ( u 4 v )

Mixed Practice


24a5+2a524a5+2a5 24a52a524a52a5 24a5·2a524a5·2a5 24a5÷2a524a5÷2a5


15n10+3n1015n10+3n10 15n103n1015n103n10 15n10·3n1015n10·3n10 15n10÷3n1015n10÷3n10


p4·p6p4·p6 (p4)6(p4)6


q5·q3q5·q3 (q5)3(q5)3


y3yy3y yy3yy3


z6z5z6z5 z5z6z5z6


( 8 x 5 ) ( 9 x ) ÷ 6 x 3 ( 8 x 5 ) ( 9 x ) ÷ 6 x 3


( 4 y ) ( 12 y 7 ) ÷ 8 y 2 ( 4 y ) ( 12 y 7 ) ÷ 8 y 2


27 a 7 3 a 3 + 54 a 9 9 a 5 27 a 7 3 a 3 + 54 a 9 9 a 5


32 c 11 4 c 5 + 42 c 9 6 c 3 32 c 11 4 c 5 + 42 c 9 6 c 3


32 y 5 8 y 2 60 y 10 5 y 7 32 y 5 8 y 2 60 y 10 5 y 7


48 x 6 6 x 4 35 x 9 7 x 7 48 x 6 6 x 4 35 x 9 7 x 7


63 r 6 s 3 9 r 4 s 2 72 r 2 s 2 6 s 63 r 6 s 3 9 r 4 s 2 72 r 2 s 2 6 s


56 y 4 z 5 7 y 3 z 3 45 y 2 z 2 5 y 56 y 4 z 5 7 y 3 z 3 45 y 2 z 2 5 y

Everyday Math


Memory One megabyte is approximately 106106 bytes. One gigabyte is approximately 109109 bytes. How many megabytes are in one gigabyte?


Memory One gigabyte is approximately 109109 bytes. One terabyte is approximately 10121012 bytes. How many gigabytes are in one terabyte?

Writing Exercises


Jennifer thinks the quotient a24a6a24a6 simplifies to a4a4. What is wrong with her reasoning?


Maurice simplifies the quotient d7dd7d by writing d7d=7d7d=7. What is wrong with his reasoning?


When Drake simplified 3030 and (−3)0(−3)0 he got the same answer. Explain how using the Order of Operations correctly gives different answers.


Robert thinks x0x0 simplifies to 0. What would you say to convince Robert he is wrong?

Self Check

After completing the exercises, use this checklist to evaluate your mastery of the objectives of this section.

This is a table that has six rows and four columns. In the first row, which is a header row, the cells read from left to right “I can…,” “Confidently,” “With some help,” and “No-I don’t get it!” The first column below “I can…” reads “simplify expressions using the Quotient Property for Exponents,” “simplify expressions with zero exponents,” “simplify expressions using the Quotient to a Power Property,” “simplify expressions by applying several properties,” and “divide monomials.” The rest of the cells are blank.

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your mastery of this section in light of your responses on the checklist? How can you improve this?


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