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the rate of decay for radioactive nuclides
alpha decay
type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle
alpha rays
one of the types of rays emitted from the nucleus of an atom
another term for positron
composed of antiparticles
atomic mass
the total mass of the protons, neutrons, and electrons in a single atom
atomic number
number of protons in a nucleus
barrier penetration
quantum mechanical effect whereby a particle has a nonzero probability to cross through a potential energy barrier despite not having sufficient energy to pass over the barrier; also called quantum mechanical tunneling
SI unit for rate of decay of a radioactive material
beta decay
type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits a beta particle
beta rays
one of the types of rays emitted from the nucleus of an atom
binding energy
the energy needed to separate nucleus into individual protons and neutrons
binding energy per nucleon
the binding energy calculated per nucleon; it reveals the details of the nuclear force—larger the BE/ABE/A, the more stable the nucleus
carbon-14 dating
a radioactive dating technique based on the radioactivity of carbon-14
chart of the nuclides
a table comprising stable and unstable nuclei
the activity of 1g of 226 Ra 226 Ra , equal to 3.70 × 10 10 Bq 3.70 × 10 10 Bq
the nucleus obtained when parent nucleus decays and produces another nucleus following the rules and the conservation laws
the process by which an atomic nucleus of an unstable atom loses mass and energy by emitting ionizing particles
decay constant
quantity that is inversely proportional to the half-life and that is used in equation for number of nuclei as a function of time
decay equation
the equation to find out how much of a radioactive material is left after a given period of time
decay series
process whereby subsequent nuclides decay until a stable nuclide is produced
electron capture
the process in which a proton-rich nuclide absorbs an inner atomic electron and simultaneously emits a neutrino
electron capture equation
equation representing the electron capture
electron’s antineutrino
antiparticle of electron’s neutrino
electron’s neutrino
a subatomic elementary particle which has no net electric charge
gamma decay
type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits a gamma particle
gamma rays
one of the types of rays emitted from the nucleus of an atom
Geiger tube
a very common radiation detector that usually gives an audio output
the time in which there is a 50% chance that a nucleus will decay
ionizing radiation
radiation (whether nuclear in origin or not) that produces ionization whether nuclear in origin or not
nuclei having the same ZZ and different NNs
magic numbers
a number that indicates a shell structure for the nucleus in which closed shells are more stable
mass number
number of nucleons in a nucleus
an electrically neutral, weakly interacting elementary subatomic particle
a neutral particle that is found in a nucleus
nuclear radiation
rays that originate in the nuclei of atoms, the first examples of which were discovered by Becquerel
nuclear reaction energy
the energy created in a nuclear reaction
the particles found inside nuclei
a region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom
a type of atom whose nucleus has specific numbers of protons and neutrons
the original state of nucleus before decay
a device that converts light into electrical signals
the particle that results from positive beta decay; also known as an antielectron
positron decay
type of beta decay in which a proton is converted to a neutron, releasing a positron and a neutrino
the positively charged nucleons found in a nucleus
quantum mechanical tunneling
quantum mechanical effect whereby a particle has a nonzero probability to cross through a potential energy barrier despite not having sufficient energy to pass over the barrier; also called barrier penetration
radiation detector
a device that is used to detect and track the radiation from a radioactive reaction
a substance or object that emits nuclear radiation
radioactive dating
an application of radioactive decay in which the age of a material is determined by the amount of radioactivity of a particular type that occurs
the emission of rays from the nuclei of atoms
radius of a nucleus
the radius of a nucleus is r=r0A1/3r=r0A1/3
range of radiation
the distance that the radiation can travel through a material
rate of decay
the number of radioactive events per unit time
a radiation detection method that records light produced when radiation interacts with materials
solid-state radiation detectors
semiconductors fabricated to directly convert incident radiation into electrical current
a quantum mechanical process of potential energy barrier penetration

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