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Clinical Nursing Skills

Competency-Based Assessments

Clinical Nursing SkillsCompetency-Based Assessments

Competency-Based Assessments

The Patient Centered Assessment Method (PCAM) is a tool used to assess patient complexity using the social determinants of health. Questions regarding social determinants may help the nurse identify other factors that are affecting a patient’s ability to manage their health. After reviewing the PCAM tool, test your competency by answering the following questions:
1 .
How does a patient’s environmental status affect healthcare management?
2 .
How does employment status affect a patient’s engagement in healthcare promotion?
3 .
Working in a small group, role-play how to complete a health history. Each member will role-play a different character: the nurse role, the patient role, and the observer role. You will role-play obtaining a complete health history. After each turn, the observer role will critique the group’s actions and provide positive guidance on any omitted criteria. Then you can switch roles and repeat the process until everyone has completed each role in the scenario.
4 .

Assessing your knowledge and comprehension on a particular subject and then analyzing and applying that knowledge to patient care is an essential competency in nursing. Using the active learning strategy of role-play, work with another peer and attempt to act out the following scenarios. Using only nonverbal communication, one of you pick a patient prompt and the other respond with a nursing prompt—remember that only nonverbal communication can be used.

Patient prompts:

  • My foot is hurting.
  • I cannot breathe.
  • I want to go home.
  • I am scared.
  • I love this hospital!

Nursing prompts:

  • Display empathy.
  • Display disgust.
  • Display concern.
  • Display a sense of urgency.
After completing the scenario, assess your comprehension by discussing any struggles to complete these tasks. Then, as a group, collaborate on ways to become more self-aware of the application of nonverbal communication in any given situation.
5 .
Pick a peer and quiz each other over the advantages, disadvantages, and capabilities of an EHR.

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