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Clinical Nursing Skills

Reflection Questions

Clinical Nursing SkillsReflection Questions

Reflection Questions

1 .
What are three indications for using the IV route for medication administration?
2 .
While IV therapies may be warranted for medications that require a quick onset, what are potential disadvantages associated with a rapid onset of IV medications?
3 .
What should the nurse do if the patient has continuous IV fluids running and an order for normal saline flushes every twelve hours?
4 .
Upon completing the shift assessment, the nurse assesses the patient’s IV. The nurse notes the IV fluids and IV tubing are not dated. What should the nurse do?
5 .
The provider orders two units PRBCs for a patient experiencing anemia. Upon obtaining consent, the patient refuses the blood products. What are your next steps regarding alternatives to blood products?
6 .
The provider orders two units of PRBCs for a patient post hip replacement surgery. The first unit is started at 10:00. An IV antibiotic is scheduled for 12:00. What should the nurse do to ensure the patient receives the blood products and IV antibiotics?

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