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arterial blood sampling
blood is obtained via puncture into an artery
bronchoscopy collection
invasive procedure where a thin, flexible tube with a camera is inserted into the airways, and sputum samples are collected from specific areas within the respiratory system
butterfly needle
winged infusion set with a vacutainer attached
capillary blood collection
obtaining blood from capillaries
catheterized urine sample
a catheter is inserted into the bladder to obtain a urine sample directly from the bladder
clean-catch urine sample
patient is instructed to start urinating into the toilet, stop briefly, and then continue urinating into the collection container; most common method of urine collection
complete urinalysis
examines the physical, chemical, and microscopic composition of a sample of urine
special test strip containing chemically infused pads
fecal occult blood card
card containing a testing area that changes color when it comes into contact with blood
fecal occult blood test (FOBT)
test used to detect small amounts of blood in the stool
feces (also, stool or bowel movement)
solid waste product that is expelled from the body through the rectum and anus during the process of defecation
first morning void (FMV) sample
collecting the first urine voided in the morning
bloody stool
blood in the urine
induced sputum collection
a hypertonic saline or other aerosolized agent is used to induce sputum production
device used to puncture the skin to collect a capillary blood sample
dark, tarry stools, often associated with upper gastrointestinal bleeding
multiple-draw needle
needle that connects to a separate vacutainer
nasal swab
a swab is used to collect a sample from the inside of the nasal passage
nasopharyngeal swab
a swab is used to collect a sample from the nasopharynx, which is the upper part of the throat that connects to the back of the nasal cavity
nasotracheal suction collection
a nasotracheal suction catheter is used to collect sputum directly from the lower respiratory tract
occult blood
blood that is hidden from plain sight
oropharyngeal swab
a swab is used to collect a sample from the oropharynx, which is the part of the throat at the back of the mouth
pediatric collection device
a urine collection bag for infants and young children
the dominant component of blood that contains water, proteins, electrolytes, lipids, and glucose
random stool sample
a single stool sample collected at any time without specific timing or preparation
random urine sample
a urine sample collected at any time without specific timing or preparation
reference range
includes typical values for a specific laboratory test
spontaneous sputum collection
patient coughs up sputum into a sterile container
mucus and other secretions that are coughed up from the mouth
sputum trap
a specialized collection device that attaches to the patient’s breathing equipment (such as ventilators) to collect sputum samples
fat in the stool
stool culture
used to identify and isolate specific bacteria or pathogens causing gastrointestinal infections
stool fat test
used to measure the amount of fat in the stool
stool for Clostridium difficile (C. diff) toxin
detects the presence of C. difficile toxins in the stool
stool for ova and parasites (O&P)
testing used to identify the presence of parasites or their eggs in the stool
stool specimen (also, fecal specimen or fecal sample)
a sample of feces (solid waste) collected from a person for laboratory analysis
suprapubic aspiration
invasive method involving using a needle and syringe to aspirate urine directly from the bladder through the abdominal wall
therapeutic range
includes target values for certain tests when managing specific conditions
three-day stool collection
stool samples are collected over a period of three consecutive days
timed urine collection
collect urine at specific times throughout the day
tightly tied band applied around a limb to temporarily constrict or restrict blood flow
cloudiness or haziness
twenty-four-hour urine collection
collection of all urine produced over a twenty-four-hour period
urinary casts
small particles shaped like a tube that may contain different types of cells or substances
vacutainer adapter
a plastic device that holds the vacutainer tube in place and connects to the needle for blood collection
vacutainer needle
a needle with a built-in vacutainer adapter
vacutainer tube
a sterile, color-coded tube used to collect and transport a blood sample
the process of introducing a needle into a patient’s vein to collect a blood sample or insert an IV catheter

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