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Biology for AP® Courses

Review Questions

Biology for AP® CoursesReview Questions

1 .
How are GMOs created?
  1. introducing recombinant DNA into an organism by any means
  2. in vitro fertilization methods
  3. mutagenesis
  4. plant breeding techniques
2 .
Which technique used to manipulate genetic material results in a significant increase in DNA or RNA fragments?
  1. gel electrophoresis
  2. nucleic acid extraction
  3. nuclear hybridization
  4. polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
3 .
What is the role of the plasmid in molecular cloning?
  1. They are used to create clones.
  2. They are used as vectors to insert genes into bacteria.
  3. They are a functional part of binary fission.
  4. They contain the circular chromosome of prokaryotic organisms.
4 .
What is meant by a recombinant DNA molecule?
  1. chimeric molecules
  2. bacteria transformed into another species
  3. molecules that have been through the PCR process
  4. the result of crossing over during cell reproduction
5 .
Based on its chemical structure, what is the best way to describe Bt toxin?
  1. a gene for modifying insect DNA
  2. an organic insecticide produced by bacteria
  3. useful for humans to fight against insects
  4. a recombinant protein
6 .
What is one trait of the Flavr Savr Tomato?
  1. has a better shelf life
  2. is not a variety of vine-ripened tomato in the supermarket
  3. was not created to have better flavor
  4. undergoes soft rot
7 .
What is the first step in isolating DNA?
  1. generating genomic DNA fragments with restriction endonucleases
  2. introducing recombinant DNA into an organism by any means
  3. overexpressing proteins in E. coli
  4. lysing the cells in the sample
8 .
What is genomics?
  1. Genomics is the study of entire genomes, including the complete set of genes, their nucleotide sequence and organization, and their interactions within a species and with other species.
  2. Genomics is the process of finding the locations of genes on each chromosome.
  3. Genomics is an illustration that lists genes and their location on a chromosome.
  4. Genomics is a genetic marker, a gene or sequence on a chromosome that co-segregates (shows genetic linkage) with a specific trait.
9 .
What is required in addition to a genetic linkage map to build a complete picture of the genome?
  1. a genetic marker
  2. a physical map
  3. linkage analysis of chromosomes
  4. plasmids
10 .
Genetic recombination occurs by which process?
  1. crossing over
  2. chromosome segregation
  3. independent assortment
  4. sister chromatids
11 .
Individual genetic maps in a given species are ________.
  1. genetically similar
  2. genetically identical
  3. genetically dissimilar
  4. not useful in species analysis
12 .
Information obtained by microscopic analysis of stained chromosomes is used in what procedure?
  1. cytogenetic mapping
  2. radiation hybrid mapping
  3. RFLP mapping
  4. sequence mapping
13 .
Which of the following is true about linkage analysis?
  1. It is used to create a physical map of the genome.
  2. It is based on the natural recombination process.
  3. It is a technique that breaks and rejoins DNA strands in the laboratory.
  4. It requires radiation hybrid mapping.
14 .
What biochemical structure is crucial to the chain termination method of sequencing?
  1. uses only labeled ddNTPs
  2. uses dideoxynucleotides
  3. only deoxynucleotides
  4. labeled dNTPs
15 .
What sequencing technique is used to identify regions of similarity between cell types or species?
  1. dideoxy chain termination
  2. protein, DNA, or RNA sequence alignment
  3. shotgun sequencing
  4. whole-exome sequencing
16 .
Whole-genome sequencing can be used for advances in what field?
  1. bioinformatics
  2. iron industry
  3. multimedia
  4. medicine
17 .
Sequencing an individual person’s genome ______.
  1. is currently impossible
  2. helps in predicting faulty genes in diseases
  3. will not lead to legal issues regarding discrimination and privacy
  4. will not help make informed choices about medical treatment
18 .
How can genomics be used in agriculture?
  1. generate new hybrid strains
  2. improve disease resistance
  3. improve yield
  4. improve yields, disease resistance, and to generate new hybrids
19 .
What is a reasonable use for metagenomics?
  1. identification of biofuel candidates
  2. testing for multiple drug susceptibility in a population
  3. increasing agricultural yields
  4. identifying new species more rapidly and analyzing the effect of pollutants on the environment
20 .
Genomics can be used on a personal level to do what?
  1. determine the risks of genetic diseases for an individual’s children
  2. increase transplant rejection
  3. predict the protein profile of a person
  4. produce antibodies for an antigen
21 .
In developed countries, what percentage of diseases is caused by single gene defects?
  1. 0.05
  2. 0.1
  3. 0.2
  4. 0.4
22 .
Which technique or field of study is best suited to the rapid identification of new species and the analysis of the effects of pollutants on the environment?
  1. metagenomics
  2. linkage analysis
  3. genomics
  4. shotgun sequencing
23 .
The risks of genetic diseases for an individual’s children can be determined through ______.
  1. metagenomics
  2. linkage analysis
  3. genomics
  4. shotgun sequencing
24 .
What is a biomarker?
  1. the color coding of different genes
  2. a protein uniquely produced in a diseased state
  3. a molecule in the genome or proteome
  4. a marker that is genetically inherited
25 .
What is a metabolome?
  1. a provisional listing of the genome of a species
  2. a unique metabolite used to identify an individual
  3. a method used for protein analysis
  4. the complete set of metabolites related to the genetic makeup of an organism
26 .
How would you describe a set of proteins with altered expression levels?
  1. a group of biomarkers
  2. a protein signature
  3. the result of a defect in mRNA transcription
  4. the results of crossing over during cell replication
27 .
What is a protein signature?
  1. a protein expressed on the cell surface
  2. a unique set of proteins present in a diseased state
  3. the path followed by a protein after it is synthesized in the nucleus
  4. the path followed by a protein in the cytoplasm
28 .
What term describes a protein that is uniquely produced by an organism in a diseased state?
  1. a genomic protein
  2. a genetic defect
  3. a chimeric molecule
  4. a biomarker
29 .
The collection of metabolites resulting from the anabolic and catabolic reactions of an organism is called what?
  1. genetic metabolic profile
  2. metabolic signature
  3. metabolome
  4. metagenomics

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