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Biology 2e

Review Questions

Biology 2eReview Questions


Which of the following is not contained in phylum Chordata?

  1. Cephalochordata
  2. Echinodermata
  3. Urochordata
  4. Vertebrata

Which group of invertebrates is most closely related to vertebrates?

  1. cephalochordates
  2. echinoderms
  3. arthropods
  4. urochordates

Hagfish, lampreys, sharks, and tuna are all chordates that can also be classified into which group?

  1. Craniates
  2. Vertebrates
  3. Cartilaginous fish
  4. Cephalochordata

Members of Chondrichthyes differ from members of Osteichthyes by having (a) ________.

  1. jaw
  2. bony skeleton
  3. cartilaginous skeleton
  4. two sets of paired fins

Members of Chondrichthyes are thought to be descended from fishes that had ________.

  1. a cartilaginous skeleton
  2. a bony skeleton
  3. mucus glands
  4. slime glands

A marine biologist catches a species of fish she has never seen before. Upon examination, she determines that the species has a predominantly cartilaginous skeleton and a swim bladder. If its pectoral fins are not fused with its head, to which category of fish does the specimen belong?

  1. Rays
  2. Osteichthyes
  3. Sharks
  4. Hagfish

Which of the following is not true of Acanthostega?

  1. It was aquatic.
  2. It had gills.
  3. It had four limbs.
  4. It laid shelled eggs.

Frogs belong to which order?

  1. Anura
  2. Urodela
  3. Caudata
  4. Apoda

During the Mesozoic period, diapsids diverged into_______.

  1. pterosaurs and dinosaurs
  2. mammals and reptiles
  3. lepidosaurs and archosaurs
  4. Testudines and Sphenodontia

Squamata includes_______.

  1. crocodiles and alligators
  2. turtles
  3. tuataras
  4. lizards and snakes

Which of the following reptile groups gave rise to modern birds?

  1. Lepidosaurs
  2. Pterosaurs
  3. Anapsids
  4. Archosaurs

A bird or feathered dinosaur is ________.

  1. Neornithes
  2. Archaeopteryx
  3. Enantiornithes
  4. Paleognathae

Which of the following feather types helps to reduce drag produced by wind resistance during flight?

  1. Flight feathers
  2. Primary feathers
  3. Secondary feathers
  4. Contour feathers

Eccrine glands produce ________.

  1. sweat
  2. lipids
  3. scents
  4. milk

Monotremes include:

  1. kangaroos.
  2. koalas.
  3. bandicoots.
  4. platypuses.

The evolution of which of the following features of mammals is hardest to trace through the fossil record?

  1. Jaw structure
  2. Mammary glands
  3. Middle ear structure
  4. Development of hair

Which of the following is not an anthropoid?

  1. Lemurs
  2. Monkeys
  3. Apes
  4. Humans

Which of the following is part of a clade believed to have died out, leaving no descendants?

  1. Paranthropus robustus
  2. Australopithecus africanus
  3. Homo erectus
  4. Homo sapiens sapiens

Which of the following human traits is not a shared characteristic of primates?

  1. Hip structure supporting bipedalism
  2. Detection and processing of three-color vision
  3. Nails at the end of each digit
  4. Enlarged brain area associated with vision, and reduced area associated with smell

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