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Review Questions

AstronomyReview Questions

Review Questions


What is the thickest interior layer of Earth? The thinnest?


What are Earth’s core and mantle made of? Explain how we know.


Describe the differences among primitive, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock, and relate these differences to their origins.


Explain briefly how the following phenomena happen on Earth, relating your answers to the theory of plate tectonics

  1. earthquakes
  2. continental drift
  3. mountain building
  4. volcanic eruptions
  5. creation of the Hawaiian island chain

What is the source of Earth’s magnetic field?


Why is the shape of the magnetosphere not spherical like the shape of Earth?


Although he did not present a mechanism, what were the key points of Alfred Wegener’s proposal for the concept of continental drift?


List the possible interactions between Earth’s crustal plates that can occur at their boundaries.


List, in order of decreasing altitude, the principle layers of Earth’s atmosphere.


In which atmospheric layer are almost all water-based clouds formed?


What is, by far, the most abundant component of Earth’s atmosphere?


In which domain of living things do you find humankind?


Describe three ways in which the presence of life has affected the composition of Earth’s atmosphere.


Briefly describe the greenhouse effect.


How do impacts by comets and asteroids influence Earth’s geology, its atmosphere, and the evolution of life?


Why are there so many impact craters on our neighbor world, the Moon, and so few on Earth?


Detail some of the anthropogenic changes to Earth’s climate and their potential impact on life.


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