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abdominopelvic cavity 1.6 Anatomical Terminology
ABO blood group 18.6 Blood Typing
absolute refractory period 12.4 The Action Potential
accessory digestive organ 23.1 Overview of the Digestive System
accommodation–convergence reflex 16.3 The Cranial Nerve Exam
acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA) 24.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism
acromial end of the clavicle 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
acromial process 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
acromioclavicular joint 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
acrosomal reaction 28.1 Fertilization
activation energy 2.3 Chemical Reactions
active transport 3.1 The Cell Membrane
Acute mountain sickness (AMS) 22.6 Modifications in Respiratory Functions
adductor tubercle 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
adenylyl cyclase 17.2 Hormones
adrenal cortex 17.6 The Adrenal Glands
adrenal glands 17.6 The Adrenal Glands
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 17.3 The Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus
agglutination 18.6 Blood Typing
agranular leukocytes 18.4 Leukocytes and Platelets
alarm reaction 17.6 The Adrenal Glands
alpha (α)-adrenergic receptor 15.1 Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System
Alveolar dead space 22.3 The Process of Breathing
Alveolar process of the mandible 7.2 The Skull
alveolar process of the maxilla 7.2 The Skull
amacrine cells 14.1 Sensory Perception
anastomosis 19.1 Heart Anatomy
anatomical dead space 22.3 The Process of Breathing
anatomical position 1.6 Anatomical Terminology
anchoring junction 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
angiotensin-converting enzyme 17.6 The Adrenal Glands
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) 25.4 Microscopic Anatomy of the Kidney
angle of the mandible 7.2 The Skull
angle of the rib 7.4 The Thoracic Cage
anterior (ventral) sacral foramen 7.3 The Vertebral Column
anterior border of the tibia 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
anterior cardiac veins 19.1 Heart Anatomy
anterior cerebral artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
anterior communicating artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
anterior compartment of the forearm 11.5 Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs
anterior corticospinal tract 14.3 Motor Responses
anterior cranial fossa 7.2 The Skull
anterior cruciate ligament 9.6 Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints
anterior inferior iliac spine 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
anterior interventricular artery 19.1 Heart Anatomy
anterior interventricular sulcus 19.1 Heart Anatomy
anterior longitudinal ligament 7.3 The Vertebral Column
anterior median fissure 13.2 The Central Nervous System
anterior sacroiliac ligament 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
anterior superior iliac spine 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
anterior talofibular ligament 9.6 Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints
anterior tibial artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
anterior tibial vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
anterograde amnesia 16.2 The Mental Status Exam
anticoagulant 18.5 Hemostasis
Antithrombin 18.5 Hemostasis
anulus fibrosus 7.3 The Vertebral Column
aortic valve 19.1 Heart Anatomy
Apocrine secretion 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
arcuate line of the ilium 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
articular capsule 9.4 Synovial Joints
articular disc 9.4 Synovial Joints
Articular tubercle 7.2 The Skull
ascending pathway 14.2 Central Processing
association area 14.2 Central Processing
Atmospheric pressure 22.3 The Process of Breathing
atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) 17.10 Organs with Secondary Endocrine Functions
atrioventricular bundle branches 19.2 Cardiac Muscle and Electrical Activity
atrioventricular septum 19.1 Heart Anatomy
atrioventricular valves 19.1 Heart Anatomy
auricular surface of the ilium 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
autosomal chromosomes 28.7 Patterns of Inheritance
autosomal dominant 28.7 Patterns of Inheritance
autosomal recessive 28.7 Patterns of Inheritance
axon hillock 12.2 Nervous Tissue
axon segment 12.2 Nervous Tissue
axon terminal 12.2 Nervous Tissue
Bainbridge reflex 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
ball-and-socket joint 9.4 Synovial Joints
baroreceptor reflex 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
basal metabolic rate (BMR) 24.6 Energy and Heat Balance
base of the metatarsal bone 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
basement membrane 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
basilar membrane 14.1 Sensory Perception
beta (β)-hydroxybutyrate 24.3 Lipid Metabolism
beta (β)-oxidation 24.3 Lipid Metabolism
bicuspid valve 19.1 Heart Anatomy
biliverdin 18.3 Erythrocytes
binocular depth cues 14.2 Central Processing
blood colloidal osmotic pressure (BCOP) 20.3 Capillary Exchange
Blood hydrostatic pressure 20.3 Capillary Exchange
blood-brain barrier (BBB) 12.2 Nervous Tissue
body mass index (BMI) 24.7 Nutrition and Diet
body of the rib 7.4 The Thoracic Cage
brachiocephalic vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
brain case 7.2 The Skull
bronchial artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
bronchoconstriction 22.2 The Lungs
bronchodilation 22.2 The Lungs
Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) 21.1 Anatomy of the Lymphatic and Immune Systems
calvaria 7.2 The Skull
capacitation 28.1 Fertilization
capillary hydrostatic pressure (CHP) 20.3 Capillary Exchange
Carbonic anhydrase (CA) 22.5 Transport of Gases
cardiac accelerator nerves 15.3 Central Control
cardiac cycle 19.3 Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac output (CO) 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
cardiac plexus 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
cardiac reflexes 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
cardiac reserve 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
cardiac skeleton 19.1 Heart Anatomy
cardiomyocyte 19.1 Heart Anatomy
cardiovascular center 15.3 Central Control
carpometacarpal joint 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
cartilaginous joint 9.1 Classification of Joints
cell junction 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
cell membrane 3.1 The Cell Membrane
cellular respiration 24.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism
central chemoreceptor 22.3 The Process of Breathing
cephalic phase 23.4 The Stomach
cerebral peduncles 14.3 Motor Responses
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 12.2 Nervous Tissue
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
cervical enlargement 14.3 Motor Responses
cervical vertebrae 7.3 The Vertebral Column
channel protein 3.1 The Cell Membrane
Chemical energy 2.3 Chemical Reactions
chief cells 23.4 The Stomach
chief sensory nucleus 14.2 Central Processing
chloride shift 22.5 Transport of Gases
cholecystokinin (CCK) 24.3 Lipid Metabolism
chordae tendineae 19.1 Heart Anatomy
chorionic membrane 28.2 Embryonic Development
chymotrypsinogen 24.4 Protein Metabolism
circadian rhythm 14.2 Central Processing
circumflex artery 19.1 Heart Anatomy
clasp-knife response 16.4 The Sensory and Motor Exams
clavicular notch 7.4 The Thoracic Cage
closed reduction 6.5 Fractures: Bone Repair
clotting factors 18.5 Hemostasis
coagulation 18.5 Hemostasis
Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) 18.2 Production of the Formed Elements
colostrum 28.6 Lactation
common carotid artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
common hepatic artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
common iliac artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
common iliac vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
common pathway 18.5 Hemostasis
compact bone 6.3 Bone Structure
Computed tomography (CT) 1.7 Medical Imaging
concentration gradient 3.1 The Cell Membrane
Conduction aphasia 16.2 The Mental Status Exam
conductive hearing 16.3 The Cranial Nerve Exam
condylar process of the mandible 7.2 The Skull
condyloid joint 9.4 Synovial Joints
cone photoreceptor 14.1 Sensory Perception
Connective tissue 4.1 Types of Tissues
connective tissue membrane 4.1 Types of Tissues
continuous conduction 12.4 The Action Potential
control center 1.5 Homeostasis
coracoclavicular ligament 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
coracoid process 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
corneal reflex 14.3 Motor Responses
corona radiata 28.1 Fertilization
coronal suture 7.2 The Skull
Coronary arteries 19.1 Heart Anatomy
coronary sinus 19.1 Heart Anatomy
coronary sulcus 19.1 Heart Anatomy
Coronary veins 19.1 Heart Anatomy
coronoid process of the mandible 7.2 The Skull
coronoid process of the ulna 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
cortical reaction 28.1 Fertilization
cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway 16.5 The Coordination and Gait Exams
corticobulbar tract 14.3 Motor Responses
corticospinal tract 14.3 Motor Responses
costal cartilage 7.4 The Thoracic Cage
costal groove 7.4 The Thoracic Cage
costoclavicular ligament 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
countercurrent multiplier system 25.6 Tubular Reabsorption
covalent bond 2.2 Chemical Bonds
cranial nerve ganglion 13.4 The Peripheral Nervous System
cribriform plate 7.2 The Skull
crista galli 7.2 The Skull
cutaneous membrane 4.1 Types of Tissues
cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) 17.2 Hormones
cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 3.5 Cell Growth and Division
Dalton’s law 22.4 Gas Exchange
decomposition reaction 2.3 Chemical Reactions
deep femoral artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
deep femoral vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
deep posterior compartment of the forearm 11.5 Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs
dehydration 26.2 Water Balance
deltoid tuberosity 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
deoxyhemoglobin 18.3 Erythrocytes
dermal papilla 5.1 Layers of the Skin
descending aorta 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
diabetes mellitus 17.9 The Endocrine Pancreas
diacylglycerol (DAG) 17.2 Hormones
digital arteries 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
dihydroxyvitamin D 26.3 Electrolyte Balance
distal convoluted tubules 25.3 Gross Anatomy of the Kidney
distal radioulnar joint 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
distal tibiofibular joint 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
dorsal (posterior) cavity 1.6 Anatomical Terminology
dorsal (posterior) nerve root 13.2 The Central Nervous System
dorsal (posterior) root ganglion 13.4 The Peripheral Nervous System
dorsal column system 14.2 Central Processing
dorsal longitudinal fasciculus 15.3 Central Control
dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve 15.1 Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System
dorsal respiratory group (DRG) 22.3 The Process of Breathing
dorsal venous arch 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
dorsalis pedis artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
downregulation 17.2 Hormones
ectopic pregnancy 28.2 Embryonic Development
ejection fraction 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
Elastin fibers 5.1 Layers of the Skin
electrical gradient 3.1 The Cell Membrane
electrochemical exclusion 12.4 The Action Potential
electron transport chain (ETC) 24.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism
embryonic folding 28.2 Embryonic Development
encapsulated ending 14.1 Sensory Perception
end diastolic volume (EDV) 19.3 Cardiac Cycle
end systolic volume (ESV) 19.3 Cardiac Cycle
endocardium 19.1 Heart Anatomy
endochondral ossification 6.4 Bone Formation and Development
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) 3.2 The Cytoplasm and Cellular Organelles
energy-consuming phase 24.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism
energy-yielding phase 24.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism
enteric nervous system 13.4 The Peripheral Nervous System
enteroendocrine cells 23.4 The Stomach
ependymal cell 12.2 Nervous Tissue
epicardial coronary arteries 19.1 Heart Anatomy
epiphyseal plate 6.3 Bone Structure
epithelial membrane 4.1 Types of Tissues
Epithelial tissue 4.1 Types of Tissues
erythrocyte 18.3 Erythrocytes
esophageal artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
ethmoid air cell 7.2 The Skull
ethmoid bone 7.2 The Skull
exchange reaction 2.3 Chemical Reactions
excitable membrane 12.4 The Action Potential
excitation-contraction coupling 10.2 Skeletal Muscle
excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) 12.5 Communication Between Neurons
executive functions 14.3 Motor Responses
exocrine gland 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) 22.3 The Process of Breathing
expressive aphasia 16.2 The Mental Status Exam
External acoustic meatus 7.2 The Skull
external anal sphincter 23.5 The Small and Large Intestines
external carotid artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
external iliac artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
external iliac vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
external jugular vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
external occipital protuberance 7.2 The Skull
External respiration 22.4 Gas Exchange
external urinary sphincter 25.2 Gross Anatomy of Urine Transport
extrapyramidal system 14.3 Motor Responses
extrinsic ligament 9.4 Synovial Joints
extrinsic muscles of the tongue 16.3 The Cranial Nerve Exam
extrinsic pathway 18.5 Hemostasis
facial bones 7.2 The Skull
Facilitated diffusion 3.1 The Cell Membrane
fasciculus cuneatus 14.2 Central Processing
fasciculus gracilis 14.2 Central Processing
fast glycolytic (FG) 10.5 Types of Muscle Fibers
Fast oxidative (FO) 10.5 Types of Muscle Fibers
fatty acid oxidation 24.3 Lipid Metabolism
femoral circumflex vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
Fertilization 28.1 Fertilization
fertilization membrane 28.1 Fertilization
Fibrinolysis 18.5 Hemostasis
fibular collateral ligament 9.6 Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints
first messenger 17.2 Hormones
flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) 24.1 Overview of Metabolic Reactions
floating ribs 7.4 The Thoracic Cage
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) 17.3 The Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus
fontanelles 9.2 Fibrous Joints
Foramen lacerum 7.2 The Skull
Foramen ovale of the middle cranial fossa 7.2 The Skull
Foramen rotundum 7.2 The Skull
Foramen spinosum 7.2 The Skull
foremilk 28.6 Lactation
fossa ovalis 19.1 Heart Anatomy
fracture hematoma 6.5 Fractures: Bone Repair
Frank-Starling mechanism 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
free nerve ending 14.1 Sensory Perception
frontal bone 7.2 The Skull
frontal sinus 7.2 The Skull
functional residual capacity (FRC) 22.3 The Process of Breathing
gastric emptying 23.4 The Stomach
gastric gland 23.4 The Stomach
gastric phase 23.4 The Stomach
gastric pits 23.4 The Stomach
Gene expression 3.4 Protein Synthesis
general adaptation syndrome (GAS) 17.6 The Adrenal Glands
genicular artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
glabella 7.2 The Skull
glenoid cavity 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) 25.5 Physiology of Urine Formation
glossopharyngeal nerve 13.4 The Peripheral Nervous System
glucocorticoids 17.6 The Adrenal Glands
glucose-6-phosphate 24.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism
gluteal tuberosity 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
Granular leukocytes 18.4 Leukocytes and Platelets
great cardiac vein 19.1 Heart Anatomy
great cerebral vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
great saphenous vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
greater sciatic foramen 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
greater sciatic notch 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
greater trochanter 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
greater wings of the sphenoid bone 7.2 The Skull
gustatory receptor cells 14.1 Sensory Perception
Haldane effect 22.5 Transport of Gases
hard palate 7.2 The Skull
head of the femur 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
head of the fibula 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
head of the humerus 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
head of the metatarsal bone 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
head of the radius 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
head of the rib 7.4 The Thoracic Cage
heart rate (HR) 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
heart sounds 19.3 Cardiac Cycle
Hemoglobin 18.3 Erythrocytes
hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) 18.6 Blood Typing
hemophilia 18.5 Hemostasis
hemopoietic growth factors 18.2 Production of the Formed Elements
hemorrhage 18.5 Hemostasis
hemosiderin 18.3 Erythrocytes
hemostasis 18.5 Hemostasis
Henry’s law 22.4 Gas Exchange
hepatic artery proper 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
hepatic portal system 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
hepatopancreatic ampulla 23.5 The Small and Large Intestines
hepatopancreatic sphincter 23.5 The Small and Large Intestines
Hindmilk 28.6 Lactation
holocrine secretion 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
hook of the hamate bone 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
horizontal plate 7.2 The Skull
hormone receptor 17.2 Hormones
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 28.2 Embryonic Development
hydrochloric acid (HCl) 23.4 The Stomach
hydrogen bond 2.2 Chemical Bonds
hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA (HMG CoA) 24.3 Lipid Metabolism
hyperparathyroidism 17.5 The Parathyroid Glands
Hyperphosphatemia 26.3 Electrolyte Balance
hyperplasia 10.8 Smooth Muscle
hyperthyroidism 17.4 The Thyroid Gland
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 19.1 Heart Anatomy
hypoglossal canal 7.2 The Skull
hypoparathyroidism 17.5 The Parathyroid Glands
Hypophosphatemia 26.3 Electrolyte Balance
hypophyseal (pituitary) fossa 7.2 The Skull
hypothyroidism 17.4 The Thyroid Gland
inactivation gate 12.4 The Action Potential
inactive proenzymes 24.4 Protein Metabolism
incomplete dominance 28.7 Patterns of Inheritance
inferior angle of the scapula 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
inferior articular process 7.3 The Vertebral Column
inferior cerebellar peduncle (ICP) 16.5 The Coordination and Gait Exams
inferior mesenteric artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
inferior nasal concha 7.2 The Skull
inferior oblique 14.1 Sensory Perception
inferior phrenic artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
inferior pubic ramus 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
inferior rectus 14.1 Sensory Perception
Inferior rotation 9.5 Types of Body Movements
infraglenoid tubercle 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
infraorbital foramen 7.2 The Skull
infraspinous fossa 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
infratemporal fossa 7.2 The Skull
inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) 12.5 Communication Between Neurons
initial segment 12.2 Nervous Tissue
inner synaptic layer 14.1 Sensory Perception
inositol triphosphate (IP3) 17.2 Hormones
Inspiratory capacity (IC) 22.3 The Process of Breathing
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) 22.3 The Process of Breathing
insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) 17.3 The Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus
integral protein 3.1 The Cell Membrane
integumentary system 5.1 Layers of the Skin
interatrial septum 19.1 Heart Anatomy
interaural intensity difference 14.2 Central Processing
interaural time difference 14.2 Central Processing
intercalated cell 25.6 Tubular Reabsorption
intercondylar eminence 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
intercondylar fossa 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
intercostal artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
intercostal vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
intermediate cuneiform 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
Internal acoustic meatus 7.2 The Skull
internal anal sphincter 23.5 The Small and Large Intestines
internal capsule 14.3 Motor Responses
internal carotid artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
internal iliac artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
internal iliac vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
internal jugular vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
Internal respiration 22.4 Gas Exchange
internal thoracic artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
internal thoracic vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
internal urinary sphincter 25.2 Gross Anatomy of Urine Transport
internuclear ophthalmoplegia 16.3 The Cranial Nerve Exam
interosseous border of the fibula 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
interosseous border of the radius 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
interosseous border of the tibia 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
interosseous border of the ulna 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
interosseous membrane 9.2 Fibrous Joints
interosseous membrane of the forearm 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
interosseous membrane of the leg 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
interphalangeal joint 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
Interstitial fluid (IF) 3.1 The Cell Membrane
interstitial fluid colloidal osmotic pressure (IFCOP) 20.3 Capillary Exchange
interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure (IFHP) 20.3 Capillary Exchange
intertrochanteric crest 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
intertrochanteric line 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
intertubercular groove (sulcus) 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
interventricular septum 19.1 Heart Anatomy
intervertebral foramen 7.3 The Vertebral Column
intestinal phase 23.4 The Stomach
Intra-alveolar pressure 22.3 The Process of Breathing
intracapsular ligament 9.4 Synovial Joints
intracellular fluid (ICF) 26.1 Body Fluids and Fluid Compartments
Intracellular fluid (ICF) 3.1 The Cell Membrane
intramembranous ossification 6.4 Bone Formation and Development
Intrapleural pressure 22.3 The Process of Breathing
intrinsic factor 23.4 The Stomach
intrinsic ligament 9.4 Synovial Joints
intrinsic muscles of the tongue 16.3 The Cranial Nerve Exam
intrinsic pathway 18.5 Hemostasis
ionotropic receptor 12.4 The Action Potential
irregular bone 6.2 Bone Classification
isovolumic contraction 19.3 Cardiac Cycle
isovolumic ventricular relaxation phase 19.3 Cardiac Cycle
lacrimal bone 7.2 The Skull
lacrimal fossa 7.2 The Skull
lacrimal gland 14.1 Sensory Perception
Lactation 28.6 Lactation
lambdoid suture 7.2 The Skull
lamina propria 4.1 Types of Tissues
Langerhans cell 5.1 Layers of the Skin
latch-bridges 10.8 Smooth Muscle
lateral (external) rotation 9.5 Types of Body Movements
lateral border of the scapula 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
lateral circumflex artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
lateral condyle of the femur 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
lateral condyle of the tibia 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
lateral corticospinal tract 14.3 Motor Responses
lateral cuneiform 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
lateral epicondyle of the femur 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
lateral epicondyle of the humerus 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
Lateral excursion 9.5 Types of Body Movements
lateral geniculate nucleus 14.2 Central Processing
lateral malleolus 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
lateral plantar artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
lateral pterygoid plate 7.2 The Skull
lateral rectus 14.1 Sensory Perception
lateral sacral crest 7.3 The Vertebral Column
lateral supracondylar ridge 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
lateral tibiofemoral joint 9.6 Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints
leaky tight junctions 25.6 Tubular Reabsorption
left atrioventricular valve 19.1 Heart Anatomy
left gastric artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
lesser sciatic foramen 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
lesser sciatic notch 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
lesser trochanter 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
lesser wings of the sphenoid bone 7.2 The Skull
let-down reflex 28.6 Lactation
levator palpebrae superioris 14.1 Sensory Perception
ligamentum flavum 7.3 The Vertebral Column
ligand-gated channel 12.4 The Action Potential
Localization of function 16.1 Overview of the Neurological Exam
longitudinal fissure 13.2 The Central Nervous System
lower esophageal sphincter 23.3 The Mouth, Pharynx, and Esophagus
lumbar enlargement 14.3 Motor Responses
Lumbar vertebrae 7.3 The Vertebral Column
Macrophage oxidative metabolism 21.5 The Immune Response against Pathogens
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 1.7 Medical Imaging
major duodenal papilla 23.5 The Small and Large Intestines
Mandibular foramen 7.2 The Skull
Mandibular fossa 7.2 The Skull
mandibular notch 7.2 The Skull
marginal arteries 19.1 Heart Anatomy
mastoid process 7.2 The Skull
maxillary bone 7.2 The Skull
maxillary sinus 7.2 The Skull
mechanically gated channel 12.4 The Action Potential
mechanoreceptor 14.1 Sensory Perception
medial (internal) rotation 9.5 Types of Body Movements
medial border of the scapula 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
medial condyle of the femur 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
medial condyle of the tibia 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
medial epicondyle of the femur 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
medial epicondyle of the humerus 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
medial forebrain bundle 15.3 Central Control
medial geniculate nucleus 14.2 Central Processing
medial lemniscus 14.2 Central Processing
medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) 16.3 The Cranial Nerve Exam
medial plantar artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
medial pterygoid plate 7.2 The Skull
medial tibiofemoral joint 9.6 Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints
median antebrachial vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
median cubital vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
median sacral artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
median sacral crest 7.3 The Vertebral Column
mediastinal artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
medullary cavity 6.3 Bone Structure
membrane potential 12.4 The Action Potential
Mental foramen 7.2 The Skull
Mental protuberance 7.2 The Skull
Merocrine secretion 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
mesencephalic nuclei 14.2 Central Processing
messenger RNA (mRNA) 3.4 Protein Synthesis
metacarpophalangeal joint 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
metatarsophalangeal joint 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
middle cardiac vein 19.1 Heart Anatomy
middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP) 16.5 The Coordination and Gait Exams
middle cerebral artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
middle cranial fossa 7.2 The Skull
middle nasal concha 7.2 The Skull
middle sacral vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
migrating motility complex 23.5 The Small and Large Intestines
mineralocorticoids 17.6 The Adrenal Glands
mitral valve 19.1 Heart Anatomy
mixing wave 23.4 The Stomach
moderator band 19.1 Heart Anatomy
monoglyceride molecules 24.3 Lipid Metabolism
motor end-plate 10.2 Skeletal Muscle
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) 21.1 Anatomy of the Lymphatic and Immune Systems
mucosal barrier 23.4 The Stomach
mucous membrane 4.1 Types of Tissues
mucous neck cells 23.4 The Stomach
multimodal integration area 14.2 Central Processing
Muscle tissue 4.1 Types of Tissues
myelin sheath 12.2 Nervous Tissue
Mylohyoid line 7.2 The Skull
myocardial contractile cells 19.2 Cardiac Muscle and Electrical Activity
nasal cavity 7.2 The Skull
nasal conchae 7.2 The Skull
nasolacrimal canal 7.2 The Skull
Natural killer (NK) cells 18.4 Leukocytes and Platelets
neck of the femur 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
neck of the radius 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
neck of the rib 7.4 The Thoracic Cage
Negative feedback 1.5 Homeostasis
negative inotropic factors 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
Neonatal hypothyroidism 17.4 The Thyroid Gland
Nervous tissue 4.1 Types of Tissues
neuromuscular junction (NMJ) 10.2 Skeletal Muscle
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) 24.1 Overview of Metabolic Reactions
node of Ranvier 12.2 Nervous Tissue
nonspecific channel 12.4 The Action Potential
normal range 1.5 Homeostasis
nuchal ligament 7.3 The Vertebral Column
nucleus cuneatus 14.2 Central Processing
nucleus gracilis 14.2 Central Processing
nucleus pulposus 7.3 The Vertebral Column
nutrient foramen 6.3 Bone Structure
occipital bone 7.2 The Skull
occipital condyle 7.2 The Skull
odorant molecules 14.1 Sensory Perception
olecranon process 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
olfactory bulb 14.1 Sensory Perception
olfactory epithelium 14.1 Sensory Perception
olfactory sensory neuron 14.1 Sensory Perception
ophthalmic artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
organs of Corti 14.1 Sensory Perception
osteogenic cell 6.3 Bone Structure
otolithic membrane 14.1 Sensory Perception
outer synaptic layer 14.1 Sensory Perception
oxidation-reduction reaction 24.1 Overview of Metabolic Reactions
oxidative phosphorylation 24.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism
oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve 22.5 Transport of Gases
pacesetter cell 10.8 Smooth Muscle
packed cell volume (PCV) 18.1 An Overview of Blood
palatine bone 7.2 The Skull
palatine process 7.2 The Skull
palmar venous arches 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
palpebral conjunctiva 14.1 Sensory Perception
pancreatic islets 17.9 The Endocrine Pancreas
pancreatic lipases 24.3 Lipid Metabolism
papillary layer 5.1 Layers of the Skin
papillary muscle 19.1 Heart Anatomy
paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) 16.3 The Cranial Nerve Exam
paranasal sinuses 7.2 The Skull
parathyroid glands 17.5 The Parathyroid Glands
parathyroid hormone (PTH) 17.5 The Parathyroid Glands
parietal bone 7.2 The Skull
parietal branches 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
parietal cells 23.4 The Stomach
parietal pleura 22.2 The Lungs
parieto-occipital sulcus 13.2 The Central Nervous System
Partial pressure 22.4 Gas Exchange
Passive transport 3.1 The Cell Membrane
pattern recognition receptor (PRR) 21.2 Barrier Defenses and the Innate Immune Response
pectinate muscles 19.1 Heart Anatomy
pepsinogen 23.4 The Stomach
perforating canal 6.3 Bone Structure
pericardial artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
pericardial cavity 19.1 Heart Anatomy
pericardial sac 19.1 Heart Anatomy
periodontal ligament 9.2 Fibrous Joints
peripheral chemoreceptor 22.3 The Process of Breathing
Peripheral proteins 3.1 The Cell Membrane
peritubular capillaries 25.3 Gross Anatomy of the Kidney
perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone 7.2 The Skull
petrous ridge 7.2 The Skull
phalanx bone of the foot 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
phalanx bone of the hand 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
phosphodiesterase (PDE) 17.2 Hormones
phosphorylation cascade 17.2 Hormones
photoisomerization 14.1 Sensory Perception
plantar venous arch 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
Plasma osmolality 26.2 Water Balance
platelet plug 18.5 Hemostasis
pleural cavity 22.2 The Lungs
Pleural fluid 22.2 The Lungs
pneumotaxic center 22.3 The Process of Breathing
polar molecule 2.2 Chemical Bonds
polycythemia 18.3 Erythrocytes
popliteal artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
positive chemotaxis 18.4 Leukocytes and Platelets
Positive feedback 1.5 Homeostasis
positive inotropic factors 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
Positron emission tomography (PET) 1.7 Medical Imaging
posterior (dorsal) sacral foramen 7.3 The Vertebral Column
posterior cardiac vein 19.1 Heart Anatomy
posterior cerebral artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
posterior communicating artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
posterior cranial fossa 7.2 The Skull
posterior cruciate ligament 9.6 Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints
posterior inferior iliac spine 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
posterior interventricular artery 19.1 Heart Anatomy
posterior interventricular sulcus 19.1 Heart Anatomy
posterior longitudinal ligament 7.3 The Vertebral Column
posterior median sulcus 13.2 The Central Nervous System
posterior sacroiliac ligament 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
posterior superior iliac spine 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
posterior talofibular ligament 9.6 Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints
posterior tibial artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
posterior tibial vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
posterolateral sulcus 13.2 The Central Nervous System
postsynaptic potential (PSP) 12.5 Communication Between Neurons
Potential energy 2.3 Chemical Reactions
precentral gyrus of the frontal cortex 12.3 The Function of Nervous Tissue
premotor cortex 14.3 Motor Responses
primary ossification center 6.4 Bone Formation and Development
primary sensory cortex 14.2 Central Processing
primitive heart tube 19.5 Development of the Heart
primitive streak 28.2 Embryonic Development
primitive ventricle 19.5 Development of the Heart
procedural memory 16.2 The Mental Status Exam
prolactin 28.6 Lactation
pronated position 9.5 Types of Body Movements
protein kinase 17.2 Hormones
proximal convoluted tubules (PCTs) 25.3 Gross Anatomy of the Kidney
proximal tibiofibular joint 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
pulmonary arteries 19.1 Heart Anatomy
pulmonary capillaries 19.1 Heart Anatomy
pulmonary plexus 22.2 The Lungs
pulmonary valve 19.1 Heart Anatomy
Pulmonary ventilation 22.3 The Process of Breathing
pyloric antrum 23.4 The Stomach
pyloric canal 23.4 The Stomach
pyloric sphincter 23.4 The Stomach
pyramidal decussation 14.3 Motor Responses
radial collateral ligament 9.6 Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints
radial notch of the ulna 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
radial tuberosity 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
radiocarpal joint 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
ramus of the mandible 7.2 The Skull
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) 3.2 The Cytoplasm and Cellular Organelles
receptive aphasia 16.2 The Mental Status Exam
Receptor-mediated endocytosis 3.1 The Cell Membrane
red blood cells (RBCs) 18.1 An Overview of Blood
refractory period 12.4 The Action Potential
relative refractory period 12.4 The Action Potential
Residual volume (RV) 22.3 The Process of Breathing
Respiratory volume 22.3 The Process of Breathing
resting membrane potential 12.4 The Action Potential
reticular lamina 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
reticular layer 5.1 Layers of the Skin
reticulocyte 18.3 Erythrocytes
reticulospinal tract 14.3 Motor Responses
retinal ganglion cell (RGC) 14.1 Sensory Perception
retrograde amnesia 16.2 The Mental Status Exam
Rh blood group 18.6 Blood Typing
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) 3.4 Protein Synthesis
right atrioventricular valve 19.1 Heart Anatomy
right gastric artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
RNA polymerase 3.4 Protein Synthesis
rod photoreceptor 14.1 Sensory Perception
saccharolytic fermentation 23.5 The Small and Large Intestines
sacral foramina 7.3 The Vertebral Column
sacral micturition center 25.2 Gross Anatomy of Urine Transport
sacral promontory 7.3 The Vertebral Column
sacrococcygeal curve 7.3 The Vertebral Column
sacrospinous ligament 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
sacrotuberous ligament 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
saddle joint 9.4 Synovial Joints
sagittal suture 7.2 The Skull
saltatory conduction 12.4 The Action Potential
sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) 10.2 Skeletal Muscle
scala vestibuli 14.1 Sensory Perception
second messenger 17.2 Hormones
secondary curve 7.3 The Vertebral Column
secondary ossification center 6.4 Bone Formation and Development
selective permeability 3.1 The Cell Membrane
sella turcica 7.2 The Skull
semicircular canals 14.1 Sensory Perception
semilunar valves 19.1 Heart Anatomy
sensorineural hearing 16.3 The Cranial Nerve Exam
sensory homunculus 14.2 Central Processing
sensory modality 14.1 Sensory Perception
septal cartilage 7.2 The Skull
septum primum 19.1 Heart Anatomy
set point 1.5 Homeostasis
severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) 21.6 Diseases Associated with Depressed or Overactive Immune Responses
shaft of the femur 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
shaft of the fibula 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
shaft of the humerus 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
shaft of the radius 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
shaft of the tibia 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
shaft of the ulna 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
short-term memory 16.2 The Mental Status Exam
sickle cell disease 18.3 Erythrocytes
simple columnar epithelium 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
simple cuboidal epithelium 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
simple squamous epithelium 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
Slow oxidative (SO) 10.5 Types of Muscle Fibers
small cardiac vein 19.1 Heart Anatomy
small saphenous vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
sodium bicarbonate 24.4 Protein Metabolism
sodium-potassium pump 3.1 The Cell Membrane
solitary nucleus 14.2 Central Processing
sphenoid bone 7.2 The Skull
sphenoid sinus 7.2 The Skull
spinal accessory nerve 13.4 The Peripheral Nervous System
spinal trigeminal nucleus 14.2 Central Processing
spine of the scapula 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
spinocerebellar tract 16.4 The Sensory and Motor Exams
spinothalamic tract 14.2 Central Processing
spinous process 7.3 The Vertebral Column
spiral ganglia 14.1 Sensory Perception
spongy bone 6.3 Bone Structure
squamous suture 7.2 The Skull
stage of exhaustion 17.6 The Adrenal Glands
stage of resistance 17.6 The Adrenal Glands
sternal angle 7.4 The Thoracic Cage
sternal end of the clavicle 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
sternoclavicular joint 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
stratified columnar epithelium 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
Stratified cuboidal epithelium 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
Stratified squamous epithelium 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
stratum basale 5.1 Layers of the Skin
stratum corneum 5.1 Layers of the Skin
stratum granulosum 5.1 Layers of the Skin
stratum lucidum 5.1 Layers of the Skin
stratum spinosum 5.1 Layers of the Skin
stress-relaxation response 10.8 Smooth Muscle
stretch reflex 14.3 Motor Responses
stroke volume (SV) 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
Styloid process 7.2 The Skull
styloid process of the radius 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
styloid process of the ulna 8.2 Bones of the Upper Limb
Stylomastoid foramen 7.2 The Skull
subclavian artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
subcutaneous bursa 9.4 Synovial Joints
submuscular bursa 9.4 Synovial Joints
subscapular fossa 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
subscapular vein 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
substantia nigra pars compacta 13.2 The Central Nervous System
substantia nigra pars reticulata 13.2 The Central Nervous System
subtendinous bursa 9.4 Synovial Joints
superficial anterior compartment of the forearm 11.5 Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs
superficial posterior compartment of the forearm 11.5 Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs
superior angle of the scapula 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
superior articular process 7.3 The Vertebral Column
superior articular process of the sacrum 7.3 The Vertebral Column
superior border of the scapula 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
superior cerebellar peduncle (SCP) 16.5 The Coordination and Gait Exams
superior mesenteric artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
superior nasal concha 7.2 The Skull
superior nuchal line 7.2 The Skull
superior oblique 14.1 Sensory Perception
Superior orbital fissure 7.2 The Skull
superior phrenic artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
superior pubic ramus 8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
superior rectus 14.1 Sensory Perception
superior rotation 9.5 Types of Body Movements
supinated position 9.5 Types of Body Movements
supplemental motor area 14.3 Motor Responses
Supportive connective tissue 4.3 Connective Tissue Supports and Protects
suprachiasmatic nucleus 14.2 Central Processing
supraglenoid tubercle 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
supraorbital foramen 7.2 The Skull
supraorbital margin 7.2 The Skull
suprascapular notch 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
supraspinous fossa 8.1 The Pectoral Girdle
supraspinous ligament 7.3 The Vertebral Column
sustentaculum tali 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
synaptic end bulb 12.2 Nervous Tissue
syncytiotrophoblast 28.2 Embryonic Development
syndesmosis 9.2 Fibrous Joints
synovial fluid 9.4 Synovial Joints
synthesis reaction 2.3 Chemical Reactions
systemic circuit 19.1 Heart Anatomy
target heart rate 19.4 Cardiac Physiology
tectorial membrane 14.1 Sensory Perception
tectospinal tract 14.3 Motor Responses
temporal bone 7.2 The Skull
temporal fossa 7.2 The Skull
temporal process of the zygomatic bone 7.2 The Skull
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) 9.6 Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints
tendon sheath 9.4 Synovial Joints
terminal electron acceptor 24.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism
testicular artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
Thalassemia 18.3 Erythrocytes
thick filament 10.2 Skeletal Muscle
thin filament 10.2 Skeletal Muscle
thoracic vertebrae 7.3 The Vertebral Column
Thoracic wall compliance 22.3 The Process of Breathing
thrombosis 18.5 Hemostasis
thyrocervical artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) 17.3 The Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus
tibial collateral ligament 9.6 Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints
tibial tuberosity 8.4 Bones of the Lower Limb
tight junction 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
tissue factor 18.5 Hemostasis
tissue membrane 4.1 Types of Tissues
total lung capacity (TLC) 22.3 The Process of Breathing
Total pressure 22.4 Gas Exchange
trabeculae carneae 19.1 Heart Anatomy
transamination 24.4 Protein Metabolism
transcription 3.4 Protein Synthesis
transcription factor 3.6 Cellular Differentiation
Transfer RNA (tRNA) 3.4 Protein Synthesis
transferrin 18.3 Erythrocytes
transitional epithelium 4.2 Epithelial Tissue
Transpulmonary pressure 22.3 The Process of Breathing
transverse foramen 7.3 The Vertebral Column
transverse plane 1.6 Anatomical Terminology
transverse process 7.3 The Vertebral Column
tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) 24.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism
tricuspid valve 19.1 Heart Anatomy
triglycerides 24.3 Lipid Metabolism
triiodothyronine 17.4 The Thyroid Gland
truncus arteriosus 19.5 Development of the Heart
tubercle of the rib 7.4 The Thoracic Cage
tubuloglomerular feedback 25.7 Regulation of Renal Blood Flow
tympanic membrane 14.1 Sensory Perception
vascular spasm 18.5 Hemostasis
vascular tunic 14.1 Sensory Perception
vasomotor nerves 15.3 Central Control
Ventilation 22.4 Gas Exchange
ventral (anterior) cavity 1.6 Anatomical Terminology
ventral (anterior) nerve root 13.2 The Central Nervous System
ventral posterior nucleus 14.2 Central Processing
ventral respiratory group (VRG) 22.3 The Process of Breathing
ventral stream 14.2 Central Processing
ventricular ejection phase 19.3 Cardiac Cycle
vernix caseosa 28.3 Fetal Development
vertebral (spinal) canal 7.3 The Vertebral Column
vertebral artery 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
vertebral foramen 7.3 The Vertebral Column
vestibular ganglion 14.1 Sensory Perception
vestibular nuclei 14.2 Central Processing
vestibulocochlear nerve 13.4 The Peripheral Nervous System
vestibulospinal tract 14.3 Motor Responses
visceral branches 20.5 Circulatory Pathways
visceral muscle 10.8 Smooth Muscle
visceral pleura 22.2 The Lungs
visceral sense 14.1 Sensory Perception
Vital capacity (VC) 22.3 The Process of Breathing
vitreous humor 14.1 Sensory Perception
voltage-gated channel 12.4 The Action Potential
voltage-gated sodium channels 10.2 Skeletal Muscle
vomer bone 7.2 The Skull
zona fasciculata 17.6 The Adrenal Glands
zona glomerulosa 17.6 The Adrenal Glands
zona pellucida 28.1 Fertilization
zona reticularis 17.6 The Adrenal Glands
zone of calcified matrix 6.4 Bone Formation and Development
zone of maturation and hypertrophy 6.4 Bone Formation and Development
zygomatic arch 7.2 The Skull
zygomatic bone 7.2 The Skull
zygomatic process of the temporal bone 7.2 The Skull

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