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LatestOpenStax Higher Education webinars

Showing 1-9 of 25 webinars

A lamp unto your footnote: The need for models in writing

Join us for a free virtual workshop and presentation with Dr. Michelle Bachelor Robinson of Spelman College and senior contributing author of OpenStax Writing Guide with Handbook. We’ll explore Zora Neale Hurston’s profound influence on authors such as Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, Henry Louis Gates, and discuss how literary models can help us find our own voice.
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How to use OpenStax Assignable in your spring course

Assignable is OpenStax's official teaching and learning platform! Learn how to assign readings, create assignments, adjust the number of attempts and points, add Assignable to your LMS, and more.
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How to start using OpenStax in your college course

Learn how to access OpenStax textbooks in a variety of formats, create your instructor account, download our free instructor resources (like test banks, lecture slides, and LMS integration tools), and more.
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ADA Title II and digital accessibility at your institution: A conversation with Level Access and OpenStax

Level Access, the leading digital accessibility solutions provider, and OpenStax share how your institution can begin working toward compliance with the Department of Justice's new digital accessibility requirements under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
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REAL Chem: Making general chemistry courseware engaging and contextualized

Arizona State University and Carnegie Mellon University, in partnership with OpenStax, have developed REAL Chem, a general chemistry courseware. This courseware is designed to attain equitable student outcomes, particularly for students from historically underrepresented backgrounds.
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Meet Dr. Julie Tatlock and Dr. Ryan J. Lynch, senior contributing authors of OpenStax World History

Meet Dr. Julie Tatlock and Dr. Ryan J. Lynch, senior contributing authors of OpenStax World History. The authors discuss what topics are covered, the features that make the text unique, their writing process, and much more!
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Free diversity, equity, and inclusion resources for John McMurry's Organic Chemistry 10e

Organic Chemistry: A Tenth Edition comes with free instructor resources, including diversity, equity, and inclusion modules! Learn about the content included in the DEI modules (like readings, videos, and quizzes), how the modules align with the textbook content, and how to access these modules for free.
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The inner workings and impact of Ontario Tech’s student-run OER lab

The Open Education Lab at Ontario Tech University is a student-run, staff-managed group that creates high-quality open education resources (OER) for direct use in Ontario Tech courses. Student content developers from the OE Lab provide examples of the OER they’ve created, discuss the impact of their work on student savings and faculty instruction, and more.
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College success: Promoting relationship building and social skills development in your course

Dr. Amy Baldwin, senior contributing author of OpenStax's college success series, shares effective strategies and tools for promoting relationship building and social skills development in your first-year experience or college transition course.
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