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Introduction to Business covers the scope and sequence of most introductory business courses. The book provides detailed explanations in the context of core themes such as customer satisfaction, ethics, entrepreneurship, global business, and managing change. Introduction to Business includes hundreds of current business examples from a range of industries and geographic locations, which feature a variety of individuals. The outcome is a balanced approach to the theory and application of business concepts, with attention to the knowledge and skills necessary for student success in this course and beyond.
Senior Contributing Authors
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Publish Date:
Sep 19, 2018Hardcover:
As the world’s largest producer of carpet tile and other flooring materials, Interface is everywhere. Their modular products foster a great degree of creativity and innovation in interior design and function, and allow their clients to have a positive impact on the world around them. Interface’s sustainability principles and initiatives -- Mission Zero and Climate Take Back -- have led to powerful community engagement and revolutionary technological enhancements.
This video is part of the OpenStax Business series, which showcases entrepreneurs and businesses with a focus on purpose, principles, and best business practices. It can be used with any OpenStax business textbook.
Alto is a new ride-sharing company based in Dallas, Texas. Through its unique relationships with drivers and an intense focus on safety, Alto differentiates itself with a one-of-a-kind customer experience. Will Coleman and Alex Halbardier share their strategies for empowering employees and sustaining growth in an emerging and challenging business category.
This video is part of the OpenStax Business series, which showcases entrepreneurs and businesses with a focus on purpose, principles, and best business practices. It can be used with any OpenStax business textbook.
This video shares the story of Evernote, the leading note-taking and memory app. Business Development Manager Manav Khurana discusses the company’s founding, mission, culture, and future direction. He also shares Evernote’s commitment to its community and offers guidance for students. This video is part of the OpenStax Business series, which showcases entrepreneurs and businesses with a focus on purpose, principles, and best business practices. It can be used with any OpenStax business textbook.
This video is part of the OpenStax Business series, which showcases entrepreneurs and businesses with a focus on purpose, principles, and best business practices. It can be used with any OpenStax business textbook.
Google Home
Google Home is an interconnected, interactive ecosystem that improves the way we live. Product lead Mark Spates discusses the ways Google focuses on its users’ experiences to innovate and evolve. He shares his outlook on the company’s future through its research into machine learning, AI, and natural language understanding. And he describes the journey of creatively exploring an array of problem-solving pathways.
This video is part of the OpenStax Business series, which showcases entrepreneurs and businesses with a focus on purpose, principles, and best business practices. It can be used with any OpenStax business textbook.